Page 44 of Forever Flaunting

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“You realize this is the weirdest wedding proposal, right?” she muttered under her breath and then looked at Jimmy. “Pink. A small pink airplane with a vapor trail behind it – and I cannot believe I’m going to say this, but put ‘Inferno’ on there, please.”

“You sure?”

“No – but sorta yes…” she whispered. “Is crazy contagious?”

“I’m happy if it is…”

“I know nothing about being someone’s wife.”

“I know squat about being someone’s husband.”

Her eyes held his, and his smile was breathlessly beautiful, staring at her like the sun was rising directly behind her head and he was seeing the light for the first time.

“We can go pick out a ring for you tomorrow and then head to the courthouse…”

“Oh, you meant like now?”

“I fly out first thing Monday, and the courthouse is gonna be closed on the weekends, so yeah. Let’s get married tomorrow.”


“Why not? I’ve kept my word to you every time since – and that’s not going to change. In fact, if you wanna handcuff me to the bed again just to prove that I’m not gonna…”

“Oh mercy…”

“Elana, you freak…?!”

“Can it, Jimmy!”

“I’m not going to fight you nor those industrial-strength handcuffs, kitten,” Max grinned and winked at her. “Seriously. I love the cuffs.”

“Kill me now…” she muttered, putting her face in her hands.

“And think of the stories we’ll tell our children someday.”

Elana looked up at him in disbelief, unsure what to say, and realized that Max was honestly serious. He was proud of the fact that she had those stupid handcuffs for a trial and got a kick out of teasing her about it.

“You realize you’re the freak…”

“Proudly waving my freak-flag too, Mrs. Carpenter,” Max chuckled, and Jimmy laughed aloud, wrapping Max’s upper arm carefully.

“Oh, mercy,” she chuckled and looked at him. “Tattoos, a ring, and now we’re discussing getting married? I cannot believe this – any of this. I must be just as insane as you are to even hear this idea, Max.”

“Believe it.”

“I feel like Alice in Wonderland with some weirdo telling me to eat a cookie… and you’re the weirdo!”

“Next tattoo, I’m getting the Caterpillar or the Cheshire Cat…” Max teased. “Now, it’s your turn if you still want your tattoo, and then we’ll go grab dinner.”

Nearly three hours later, Elana was smiling at her wrist, admiring her delicate tattoo. There, in a soft pink against her pale skin, was a tiny pink airplane with a long swirling vapor trail and in the circle was Max’s call sign – Inferno.

“In for a penny…” she whispered, looking up at his proud smile.

“In for a pound,” he promised, taking her hand in his.

Elana was walking to her car beside Max, allowing these strange feelings to settle inside of her. She wasn’t so panicked about the tattoo because she knew Jimmy could cover it if it all blew up in her face.

As she started the vehicle, she was still processing all of this – her mind churning and whirling.
