Page 45 of Forever Flaunting

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The idea of marriage had her a little unsettled because she wasn’t sure if Max was putting on a show, just trying to get her into bed again, or if he was being genuine. Max was unlike anyone she’d ever met – and sure wasn’t what she expected in her future. She always figured that if she ever decided to marry, it would probably be some stiff-lipped businessman who wouldn’t be clingy because he would have made a name for himself.

All of this was a complete 180 degrees from her secret yet naïve thoughts, once again showing her that life wasn’t what you planned it to be. Nope. You could make all the plans in the world, and something (or someone) would come colliding into your world, knocking over every domino and creating a new element to deal with. She couldn’t exactly be mad about it either because that was part of being an attorney. Expect the unexpected because just when you thought you had the case all wrapped up, there was always a bombshell of some sort.

“You’ve been awfully quiet,” Max began.

“Oh, um, kinda lost in thought,” she replied evasively and hesitated, tacking on an afterthought. “… Sorry.”

“Don’t be. You’re entitled to have your own thoughts and be your own person. I just like being around you and wanted to be here if you needed to talk.”

He said those words as she pulled into the parking spot right next to his truck, turning to stare at him in disbelief. That was not something she expected him to offer, say, or put out there between them. When they were in high school, it always struck her that he might be selfish or self-centered and said as much.

“You’re offering to talk about things, to be there for me?” she hesitated. “I never saw that in your personality. I thought it was always ‘Me, Me, Me’ and assumed it would be that way now.”

“It was,” Max laughed openly. “I’m a pretty selfish guy when it comes to certain things in my life – please do not paint me in some glorious limelight because that ain’t me.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m not noble, gracious, or sanctimonious – nor should you ask me to spell that word, ya’ know…” and Max winked at her playfully before continuing. “I’m absolutely selfish when it comes to the things that matter.”

“Like what?” Elana knew she was fishing, and it was probably glaringly obvious, but a part of her wanted to know if she was spot-on with her assessment or if he was going to surprise her once again.

“My comfort, my food,” Max admitted, counting off things on his fingers. “Someone could lose a digit if they try to take my meals and I’m hungry. My brother, because I would do anything for that man. My life, because you know, I’m pretty awesome and like living.”

“Oh my gosh,” she muttered, putting her forehead in her hands, hopelessly. “I don’t know why I bothered…”

“And my wife,” he murmured beside her just before she felt his fingers touch her hand. Looking up, she met his eyes and saw his knowing smile as he gazed at her. “When it comes to you, I’m very selfish. I want to be in your thoughts, see your smiles, and hope that I can keep you happy enough that you never have to look elsewhere.”

“I don’t believe in being unfaithful.”

“Good, because I’m too pretty for prison. Remember when I mentioned your client and a butch girlfriend status? That would be me – and I’m scared.”

An uncomfortable laugh escaped her as she stared at him.

“I’m not good with all this emotional garbage, but I do know that I can be difficult to handle sometimes. I want us to be more than just a couple of people looped together on a piece of paper. I’d like us to be friends or more – and I’m finding that I don’t like the idea of you talking to someone else. If I ever make you unhappy – tell me, because I don’t want to find out some other way; hence the ‘butch girlfriend’ comment.”

She sat there, touched by what he was saying in such a weird way – as he sighed and rolled his eyes.

“I’m trying to explain, and I can see it on your face that I’m butchering it. I don’t want to lose my ever-lovin’-cool and end up clobbering some creep for touching what’s mine, okay? I’m trying not to do the whole…”

“Max?” she interrupted softly, realizing he was admitting there was something there between them on his side… which made her feel strangely wonderful.


“You’re right,” she smiled gently, giving his hand a squeeze. “You are much too pretty for jail.”

“I know! That’s what I’ve been saying,” he exclaimed playfully before tugging her hand, off-setting her balance as she nearly fell over on the center console of the car… only to have him hug her. His arm looped around her shoulders as he took a deep breath of her hair, dropped a kiss on her head, and stayed there, close. She could feel his warmth and it was comforting in a way she didn’t expect.

Okay. That was weirdly sweet, she mused, smelling his cologne.

“If you wanted to hug me, just say so…”

“Hug?” Max questioned. “I’m trying to see down your blouse.”

“What?!” she leaped up, glaring at him as she jerked her hand away and opened her mouth to let him have it… only to see his soft, knowing smile.

He was teasing her.

“Good night, Kitten,” he murmured softly, reaching out to touch her cheek and brushed his thumb over her lower lip. “Get some sleep. We’ve got a big day tomorrow.”
