Page 48 of Forever Flaunting

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“Let’s go with ‘insanely infatuated’ with my fiancée,” he rasped emotionally. “Is that so terrible?”

“It’s actually really flattering.”

“You could wear a trash bag, and I’d wanna bang you like a drum… um, I meant, ah…”

“Max,” she laughed aloud, stopping him. “I get it – and you’re okay. Sometimes, the best turn of a phrase is the honest one. You don’t have to explain it again, because after hearing you say that, I understand your meaning perfectly.”

“Sorry,” he said sheepishly.

“Apology accepted,” she replied softly. “Thank you for calling and talking to me. I think I needed this.”

“I’m trying to be the best boyfriend-fiancé-husband possible.”

“What did your brother say?”

“He asked me if I was sure about three times before reminding me that you were an attorney and could take me to the cleaners.”

“Are you loaded?” she asked, stunned.

“Do I need a prenup?” he retorted, countering a little quickly – which surprised her. “I don’t believe in divorce, and I’ll blow every dime arguing against it. People marry, they fight, they work through their issues, and work at finding their footing together again. Which is why I want us to be friends. Let’s just say that ‘I’m not broke’.”

“Neither am I. Do I need a prenup?”

“I’d rather we trusted each other, but I’ll leave that up to you.”

Both grew quiet and sat there for a very awkward pregnant pause.


“I’m pretty well off,” he interrupted in a hushed voice. “I really don’t want that to be the reason you marry me and…”

“Me too,” she cut him off. “… And it’s not.”

“Why are you then?”

“Are you looking for an ego boost?”

“Maybe?” he chuckled. “It was really nice to hear you thought I looked good in my uniform.”

“It’s getting late,” she replied, smiling and trying not to give an inch to the man who was obviously looking for praise. A part of her was curious to see what he would say, and another wanted to see how far she could get away with teasing him.

“You’re right,” he began. “Sleep well, kitten. I’ll see you soon.”

“See you soon,” she hesitated. “Max?”


“You look gorgeous in your uniform,” she whispered shyly – and hung up as he laughed in delight… only to get a text message a few seconds later.

Would you describe me as ‘eye candy’?

Good night


I look better OUT of my uniform…

