Page 50 of Forever Flaunting

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“Can my wife get it sized if it doesn’t fit her?”

“Sure, just have her come by, and we can make some slight adjustments or send it off to be sized. Do you know approximately what size she wears?”

“No – and I’m sure not asking her either,” he retorted, remembering how upset Elana got the last time he asked anything regarding sizes.

“Okaaaaay,” the jeweler drawled nervously. “Does she have short and plump little fingers, or are they long and dainty?”

“She’s elegant,” Max smiled softly to himself. “Graceful, lovely, and she has long fingers about my size with killer red fingernails that… well, ah…” he cleared his throat, realizing he was about to admit how much he adored looking at her hands and imagining them on him.

Yeah, he had it bad for Elana…

Hey Max – sorry! Crazy day! I worked through lunch so I could get out of here early and rescheduled some stuff. Want to meet at the courthouse in about thirty minutes? We can skip the rings or go tomorrow?

I’ll be there!

“That one!” Max blurted out to the clerk, pointing at a ring and already dialing Reese’s phone number. “And I’ve gotta go – we’re getting married within the hour. Reese? Can you meet me at the courthouse?”

“Eileen’s on a run…”

“Will she be mad?”

“Nahhh, just so long as we all get together for dinner or something. It will be nice to meet her when I’m not dealing with work or referring clients to her.”

“Done,” he said distractedly, paying for the ring and rushing out the door – before running back inside to get his bank card from the clerk, nodding, and then heading back to the truck once again.

“Please don’t let me mess myself up or throw up on my wife…” he whispered to the sky. “Gimme at least one good hour, please?”

Fifteen minutes later, he was jogging up the steps to the courthouse and nearly tripped as he spotted Elana standing near the doorway, looking nervous. Could she be just as anxious as he was?

His steps slowed as he drank in her beauty.

Elana was standing there, in a white blouse with a white leather pencil skirt that made his fingers curl into his palms of their own accord. He’d teased her about wearing white, and there his bride was, doing just that. The pearls he’d given her were laying at the base of her throat, and she had never looked so incredibly breathtaking as she was today. Those pink shimmering lips, her dark hair, the whole package just turned his bones to jelly.

“Oh, Max!” she jumped, exclaiming nervously. “You scared me and I didn’t see you walking up.”

“You look ravishing…” he breathed and took her hand, bringing it to his lips, before kissing her palm. “And FYI - I volunteer to do the ravishing part.”

And was rewarded with a knowing laugh as she shook a finger at him.

“I’m onto you, mister…”

“Not yet, you’re not…”


“You should have said ‘be good’…”

“There’s a reason I didn’t…”

“Well, that’s no fun,” Max pouted before smiling at her. “You truly look wonderful, and I’m so happy to see you.”

“Did you think I would stand you up when you proposed so sweetly?”

“Twice, technically,” he winked.

“True…” she smiled at him, and he laid a hand at the base of her spine, urging her inside the building.

“My brother is going to meet us in just a moment. I hope you don’t mind?”
