Page 55 of Forever Flaunting

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“What?” she laughed, sitting down on the opposite side of the couch from him and smiling. “You seriously have a guy there with a call sign of Casanova? Tell me about him. What’s his real name? Is he a flirt with all the ladies and…”

“We’re not talking about him,” Max said tersely and looked away, causing her mouth to drop open as she realized he was either intimidated or felt threatened by the other man. “You don’t need to be asking about other guys, especially this early in our relationship.”

“Fine,” she agreed easily. “I don’t want to hear about other girls.”

“Fine,” he replied, looking at her.

“Nor do I want to see them on your phone, and if you get text messages from any other women – it better be followed with a blunt statement like ‘I’m married’ and ‘get lost,’” she finished. If he was going to lay down rules, by golly, she was too!

“No problem.”

“Exactly – then it’s no problem.”

“I like that you are possessive of me.”

“Don’t kid yourself,” she chuckled. “But what is good for the goose is good for the gander – so keep that in mind.”



Both grew quiet and took a sip of their coffee simultaneously. Elana chanced a sideways glance at Max and saw him staring at the television screen, his face frowning only to see that he was staring at the news.

“Something about the weather bothering you?”

“Huh?” he began and then glanced at the TV before looking back at her. “No, I was just thinking.”

“About…?” she drawled pointedly.

“I don’t think you want to hear it.”

“Try me.”

“Fine. I really liked kissing you at the clerk’s office when we got married,” he said bluntly, almost in a confrontational manner. “I could have stood there for an hour kissing you. I liked it that much.”

“Well, shocker… I did, too,” she retorted in almost the same tone, quickly looking away as his lips parted in surprise.


It was that insecure, hushed whisper that came from him that caused her to look at him in surprise. He put up a big front – but that was all it was. Before her, was a very insecure man that just wanted to be liked and cared for… and she understood that so well.

She always dressed the part and tried to act like things were just a function of the job, but deep down inside, that insecure girl took it to heart each time she lost a case – and sometimes cried because of it. She wanted to help people, both the good and the bad, which was why she had gotten into law.

“I did,” she admitted softly, meeting his gaze. “I wasn’t expecting to feel that way, and I really liked the way you kissed me.”

He nodded silently, hanging his head. His hands were before him, his forearms propped on his knees as he popped his knuckles absently. She saw his jaw clench a few times as he just sat there before he finally looked at her.

“Could we try it again… maybe?”

And her whole soul felt like it sighed just hearing those words and seeing the look in his eyes. Yeah, she might try to act all tough, but it was an act. She was exceedingly nervous that he was going to find some part of her that he didn’t like, despite his brash words. Maybe that was why she was resisting so much because she could tell it was utter crap falling from his mouth.

But this?

This was incredibly tempting.

“I would love that,” she whispered and saw his eyes widen in surprise as he stood up slowly, coming to her side of the couch. “Should I wipe off my lipstick?”

“No,” he said hoarsely, kneeling before her. “Let me… please.”
