Page 56 of Forever Flaunting

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She nodded and had no words as he reached for her – at the same time, she was scooting forward to get closer to him, blindly putting her coffee cup on the end table. Max was tall, but their positions had her slightly taller than him from where she was sitting… only to feel him grasp her waist, pulling her closer.

“I can move,” she whispered nervously.

“I don’t want you to,” he replied breathlessly, leaning up toward her. “Need you to stay… always…”

Elana made a slight noise in her throat, hearing the sweet words from him just before he brushed his lips against hers, and she shivered. He chuckled huskily, not moving from his position as he paused so close to her.

“Is that a good shiver or a bad one?”

“Good,” she admitted.

“Thank goodness…” Max breathed and kissed her again. His lips were so soft, so warm, and so incredibly gentle, coaxing her silently for more as she twined her arms around his shoulders. She felt one of his hands touch her lower back while the other came up to cradle the back of her neck, and she shivered again, breaking their kiss as he smiled.

“Another good shiver, I hope?”

“It’s certainly ‘up there’ on the charts,” she murmured shyly.

“Think I can break a record?” he flirted quietly with her, brushing his nose tenderly against hers, not moving away. Her eyes were closed, savoring this feeling inside of her, pretending that he loved her and meant it with every fiber of his being.


And he was there, kissing her again as she clung to him, melting. She had never been held like this, nor had anyone affect her like this before. This was the stuff of legends, the reason that maidens wept when their knights left for battle. There was such an intense bond, something in her reaching for him, and if she pretended hard enough, she could almost imagine that he was yearning for her as well.

She felt him pull back slightly from her bodily as he scrambled to lean forward, still kissing her, and she heard a noise. Awkwardly, she broke the kiss and angled her head. It sounded like something clanking faintly nearby, but she couldn’t identify it.

“What was that noise?”

“The truck keys are in my pants,” he whispered, leaning toward her again – and she glanced down, slapping a hand over her eyes, and got up so quickly from the couch that she knocked him over on the floor. Thank goodness his T-shirt was hanging low enough to cover him, and he had boxers on, but his jeans were down around his knees that he’d been kneeling on.

“I cannot believe you,” she yelled angrily, slamming her bedroom door and locking it. She was just floored at the sheer hormonal stupidity of the man she’d married. Everything centered around what was in his pants and getting her into bed – and even the sweetest kisses were a ploy to get his way.

“What?” he yelled back and was obviously walking down the hallway toward her door. “Hey, now, this isn’t fair. You were kissing me like you wanted it too!”

“I want more than ‘it’…” she snapped, utterly disgusted.

“I bought you a big wedding ring…” he reminded her – and Elana saw red.

“A ring I didn’t ask for! A ring doesn’t give you the right to stick it in places where you are not welcome! And a big, gaudy ring doesn’t mean that I’m your dumpster for your genes whenever you want – and if that is what you think marriage is? THINK AGAIN!” she roared angrily, her lungs rattling with the intensity of her scream, slamming the door.

“Elana…” Max began at the door, knocking lightly. “C’mon kitten, let me in so we can talk.”

“We hardly spoke before we were kissing – and look what happened.”

“We barely started talking…”

“Because you yanked off your pants thinking that I was going to back down on my values. I want more than just that, and I deserve more than what just happened,” she finished weakly, hating that she was on the edge of crying. What was it about him that made her so frustrated and emotional… and knew.

She wanted him to love her – and he just didn’t.

Was it so wrong to want some handsome guy to see you and want to be your everything? Was she such a naïve fool to think that perhaps some fairy godmother had deemed it was her time, her turn, and delivered her old crush back into her life?

“Is it me?” she yelled tearfully at the doorway, not expecting him to answer or have a solution to what was going on in her head. “Am I so wrong in wanting a fairytale for myself?”

“What?” he said, his voice muffled by the door.

“Nothing!” she snapped, “You obviously don’t understand.”

“Elana, are you crying?”
