Page 70 of Forever Flaunting

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“Already intended to,” Reese nodded, smiling, and got to his feet, hugging him tightly and clapping him on the back. “Ignore me and go spend what time you have left in town with your new bride. Just write when you get back to base and be safe, ya’ little twerp.”

“I always am – and thank you.”

“You know it.”

“Love you, man...”

“I love you too, Max.”

Max swallowed several times, nodding and looking away from his brother’s warm eyes as Eileen was suddenly there, hugging him.

“Be good, and I’ll call Elana to check on her,” she promised, looking up at Reese and laying a hand on his chest. Max was happy for the two of them because it was easy to see that they cared about each other. Eileen was exactly what Reese needed in his world… and he had found his own happiness in Elana.

“Thank you,” Max said hoarsely, turning back toward his wife in the distance, watching them. He returned to her side and heard her murmured question, nodding blindly.

No, he wasn’t okay at all.

He was honestly scared to leave Elana because now he knew he’d hurt her feelings in the past, didn’t have the greatest start, and bungled his wedding night. There was still a separation between them, and he knew deep down inside that all of this was still new. Anything he said at this point regarding his feelings or his fears would come out as desperate or pathetic – and he didn’t want her to see him in that light, much especially since he was leaving in the morning.

Yeah, Max was terrified.

As they entered Elana’s house a little while later, he couldn’t help but watch her as she moved around the house doing mundane little things. He was folding his things, putting away his dress uniform in his bag, and felt the weight of leaving heavy on his shoulders.

“Why don’t I start a load of laundry so whatever you’ve got that’s dirty will be clean when you get back to base?” she offered quietly, and he nodded, unsure of what to say. He could tell there was already a gulf between them – or at least he imagined it.

“It’s just a few things, and honestly, it can wait.”

“Max, I don’t mind… and it gives me something to do instead of watching the time tick away.”

And there it was.

She was not a fan of the separation any more than he was… and he reached out to grab her arm, tugging her toward him. Hugging her immediately, he buried his face against her neck and breathed in her perfume.

“I’m sorry, I have to go.”

“Why are you apologizing? You can’t help this.”

“I just wish we had more time, you know?”

“I do, too,” she admitted, wrapping her arms around him so sweetly that it nearly brought tears to his eyes. He felt her fingers stroking his hair while her other hand rubbed his back in a comforting manner. “I feel like things are starting to smooth out, and we are finally working over some of the bumps…”

Max pulled back and cupped her beautiful face, staring and searching her eyes as his thumb caressed her cheek, needing to memorize how soft it was. He was trying to take in everything, every feeling, every look, every movement, and there just wasn’t enough time.

“Don’t give up on me,” he begged softly, his eyes stinging. “I’m a dork, completely clueless, and I know I’ve messed up – but I want us to work out so badly, and I’m scared that when I leave…” his throat closed off, and he couldn’t even utter the words aloud.

“I’m not,” she promised, touching his face in almost the same manner, and he wanted to believe she was just as upset but maybe hiding it better. “I walked into this knowing there would be bumps along the way, but for us to grow as friends or more, it might take some time. I’m okay with that – as long as you are, too.”

“I am.”

“Then we’ll keep trying, keep working at this, and I can just date my husband,” she smiled softly at him… and he felt something splinter within him. He made a noise, chuckling thickly, and sniffed, holding back tears as he looked at her.

“I’m gonna make you love me,” he said hoarsely.

“I have no doubts,” she replied tenderly, her own eyes shimmering as a tear ran down her cheek, landing on his thumb. “How about we, instead of focusing on the negative, maybe we cuddle and watch a movie together because I just really want to hold you while I can.”

“That sounds like heaven.”

Several hours later, Max was lying on the couch with Elana lying against his side. Both of them had gotten into their pajamas, and had a throw pulled over the two of them. The movie had ended a little while ago, but he had no intention of moving. She was sound asleep and breathing deeply against his shoulder. The news was on now, and he’d turned down the volume, trying not to disturb her.
