Page 71 of Forever Flaunting

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A tear slid down his cheek into his hair as he lightly ran a finger down the side of her temple, moving a lock of hair from her face. He smiled tenderly as she made a little noise, brushed her nose in annoyance, and then sighed, falling back into a deep slumber.

She was so darn cute, he thought in wonder, marveling at how funny sometimes life worked out. He would have never guessed that going on vacation to see his brother would have brought him face-to-face with the woman of his dreams; nor that it would be the girl he’d picked on in high school.

“I’m so sorry I was ever mean to you,” he breathed softly, tracing his finger across her skin again. “And I will spend the rest of my days making it up to you.”

Only to see her frown slightly and grumble.

“Shhh… watch the movie,” she whispered half-asleep, putting her hand on his chest, directly over his heart, and he saw the wedding ring he’d given her.

“Yes, ma’am,” he murmured, smiling and treasuring these stolen moments, as he pressed a kiss to her forehead softly, closing his own eyes.

Before he knew it, his cell phone alarm was going off – and they were racing to get ready for the day. It was kind of wonderful sharing a space with Elana, trying to make the morning routine as ‘normal’ as possible despite the fact that he was leaving. He took a shower and left the bathroom door unlocked in case she needed to get ready – which she did and was full of vinegar about it too.

“Don’t you look at me,” she retorted. “I don’t have my hair done yet, and my makeup is a mess… and I’m warning you now – if you flash me from behind that shower curtain, I’m armed with a hair dryer.”

“Are you threatening electrocution?”

“A brisk shock before the GFCI plug pops…”

“Oh my gosh, my wife is bloodthirsty,” he laughed wildly, shampooing his hair and verbally sparring with her. It was much better than both of them crying and sobbing all morning long.

“Just so you know what you married…”

“My kitten has real claws.”

“Your kitten will be hissing and yowling if there is any crossing the line, buster – besides – first rule of marriage has got to be ‘Elana puts on her eyeliner so she looks halfway decent.’ Without it, I look like one of those Halloween masks where there are no features…”

“No, you don’t,” Max chuckled, “And I’m almost done in the shower.”

“I appreciate the warning.”

“Just being a courteous husband.”

“You’re scared after the dryer threat, aren’t you?”

“Let’s go with ‘cautious,’ and while I want sparks between us – I do not want real sparks anywhere within my body.”

“You know I wouldn’t do that, and I was kidding, right?”

“I do,” he chuckled. “And I adore my feisty girl.”

“I sure hope so – and I’m leaving the bathroom now.”

“All righty,” he smirked, shutting off the water, and he heard the bathroom door close with almost a bang. “Someday you’re gonna want this!” he hollered, laughing.

“Today’s not that day!” she hollered back – and he grinned as he heard her laughter, walking away.

“Not yet, babe… but someday you’re gonna love me,” he whispered aloud, grabbing the towel and drying off quickly.



An hour later, Max was numb. Saying goodbye had to be the most painful thing he’d ever done. She stayed with him as he waited in line at the ticket counter and walked with him toward security, both of them silent yet holding hands.

It was time.

He looked at her, felt panic bubbling within him, and his stomach rolled audibly, causing her to give him a nervous, knowing, tearful smile.
