Page 83 of Forever Flaunting

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“Your imagination is better than mine - remember?”

“I use it all the time when I think of you, my love.”

And heard her suck in her breath – just as the phone call died.

There was no closure, no goodbye between them, and barely a promise to talk next weekend, and that didn’t sit well with him.

He quickly sent off an email to her, typing as his hands trembled, knowing this was going to change everything.

My sweet Kitten,

I said it.

I think it.

I feel it.

Still want to send me those dates and go away with me?


Your husband

He clicked send and was on another screen minutes later, ordering a dozen red roses to be delivered to her work, typing up a cute note to make her laugh when a notification popped up in the corner of the screen indicating that he’d received an email.

“Ohhhh crap,” he whispered audibly, clicking on it… and his stomach lurched wildly in that split second.


I didn’t get a chance to comment on what you said, but I got your email.

I think it, I feel it, and I’m nervous, too.

Here are my free dates. I think we can get almost a week together if we book it on the 15th. What do you think?


Your wife

Blinking back tears, he quickly hit reply again.


I am a mess and my heart is beating like crazy reading your email. I’m half-tempted to use that other calling card right freakin’ now, but I know I’ll regret not getting my dose of sweetness next weekend.

I’m going to go check the calendar and forward you our tickets shortly. You and me – we’re a thing. If you had doubts, let them go. Prep yourself because you are about to have a very emotional man on your hands who's gonna disgrace himself by spoiling his wife. Have I mentioned how crazy I am about you?

It's you and me – and I’m never letting go.

I mean, who else would put up with me?



And heard a ding a moment later.

Are you sitting at the computer waiting for the next email like I am?
