Page 86 of Forever Flaunting

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And Max cursed under his breath.

It was going to end up being Piranha or Cavalier, and he knew why Reaper was doing this. Reaper wanted him to stay. He was going to be the last of the team that had the most experience out here – even longer than Scarecrow.

“But there are two numbers on that sheet you should look at,” Reaper said quietly. “The dollar amount – and your date. I understand you have a new wife at home, and I don’t make this offer lightly. Reilly made my bonus low because he hated me, and I hadn’t met Sophie yet, or I wouldn’t have signed it. I recognize the position you are in, which is why I wanted to talk privately and give you options. It would help the new person to have someone who could support them, guide them silently, and…”

“Me? Silent?”

Both men shared a knowing smirk before Reaper continued.

“And it would give them a sense of security because it’s nerve-racking to take over and be responsible for the team. You are afraid to make a mistake, afraid someone isn’t going to come back, and it’s not a game. There are so many consequences of your decisions that it’s a bit much to handle.”

“You sure made it look easy.”

“Thank you. I really appreciate that, Inferno. Let me tell you, there have been a lot of nights that I didn’t sleep, and I think I have an ulcer now,” Reaper chuckled. “The stress is getting to me, and with Sophie, Ben, and the baby… I’m ready to go home.”

“I bet.”

“Think about it, keep our talk to yourself, and if you want to call your wife – you are welcome to use my office, so no one overhears you.”

“Can I take a little time – and talk to her while we are out of town?”

“That might go over better… yes.”

“Thank you.”

“Thank you for even considering it.”

Max stood and held out his hand – only to have Reaper pull him into an unexpected hug.

“Congratulations again, brother… and I hope to meet Mrs. Carpenter someday.”

“Not in a courtroom,” Max blurted out and heard the other man laugh quietly. “My wife is wicked smart, and she even scares me – but in a good way.”

“Sophie has put me in my place a few times, so I get it. You say ‘Yes, ma’am’ and back away slowly.”

“Yup. That’s about exactly what I do.”

“Fill out your vacation request form. I’ll sign it, and let’s get it in the computer so you can book your tickets.”



A few weeks later

My sweetest Kitten,

Here’s a copy of our flight and our resort tickets. I wanted to surprise you with where we are going, but they are supposed to be mailing you luggage tags— so much for the surprise – eh? Besides, I want you to be excited or happy about our little escape.

Don’t start looking at the numbers and getting all weird on me, either! I want to take my bride on a honeymoon that she’ll never forget, and this only happens once. Unless you can’t help yourself and you want to renew our vows. Then I’ll have to decide if I want to remain a kept man… sigh.

Oh, the pressure!

(That’s supposed to make you roll your eyes and then, laugh at me because we both know better.)

Try to have fun tonight, and give me all the dirt when you get home. I wanna know who’s the gossip and who talks too much. I hear Armadillo (my old friend) actually has four kids now, and then my boss’ wife is gonna be there. Her name is Sophie. Karen and Emily are the sister’s to my brother’s friend at the fire station.

Small-town life, am I right?
