Page 92 of Forever Flaunting

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Elana looked at their faces, and saw that they weren’t saying that just to be nice or make her feel better, but honestly believed it.

“Just remember,” Glory said gently. “When they love you, it’s not because of your knobby knees, your springy red hair, your flat chest – sorry Karen…”

“No, it’s flat,” Karen laughed.

“Or because you have curves like a supermodel. I’m willing to bet that Inferno would love his beautiful bride regardless if she lost ten pounds or snuck in a melt-in-your-mouth chocolate croissant with some of her new family of friends.”

There was something in the woman’s voice, something in each of their faces, a realization in her memory that Max wanted her and probably would no matter what, she marveled.

“Who’s got the croissants?” another voice blurted out, walking in the door, followed by three more women who made a beeline for the redhead laughing as she opened another box. Hands dived in, smiles were exchanged, and as Elana looked at them, it hit her.

They were all happy.

It didn’t matter about their flaws or if they had spit up on their shoulder from a baby, or if there was a roll just above the waistband of their jeans. They were truly happy in their lives, in the world around them, and in their marriages, and it was beautiful. She felt their joy, their kinship, and realized everything was being offered to her – friendship, love, companionship, a family, everything.

Not only did she have her marriage to Max to celebrate, but she also had a family with Reese and Eileen… and now these people.

A trembling hand reached for one of the buttery, flaky croissants that Glory held out – and she winked at Elana before leaning close and whispering.

“If Max says a thing, you let us know, and we’ll change his mind.”

“Or hide the body,” Emily volunteered, holding up her croissant as if to acknowledge and cheer her on. It was so casually tossed about that all of them exchanged a look before the office was filled with feminine laughter.

Later that evening, Elana was smiling as she climbed into bed with her laptop to email Max. This was quickly becoming a habit to finish out her day and she had so much to share with him, hoping she could put it all into words, conveying her thoughts and feelings.


I had the best afternoon possible today.

I wish you could see me right now. I am smiling, so happy deep down, and apparently have about twenty new friends. They were all crammed in my office this afternoon, we were eating treats, cutting up, and it was like a slumber party but at four in the afternoon – and no pajamas.

Every wife from Flyboys showed up to meet me after I chickened out at dinner the other night. It was probably stupid, but I had a tough phone call with Mom, had a small setback, and I was in protective mode but these women?

Oh my gosh, Max… these women just bombarded my office, my life, and seriously are the best people in the world – like you.

Have I mentioned that I love you and cannot wait to see you next month?



P.S. I bought two bikinis after work today. See ya’ soon, flyboy!

Closing her laptop, Elana rolled over and closed her eyes, smiling.

Hours later, she cracked a bleary eye hearing ‘I’m Bringing Sexy Back’ by Justin Timberlake playing nearby and flopped over in a rush to grab her cell phone off the nightstand, recognizing that it was her phone ringing.


“You can forgive me later, but when you drop a bombshell on me like ‘I bought two bikinis’ and address me as ‘Sweetheart’ – you’re gonna get a phone call immediately,” Max blurted out. “I’m sorry about the hour, but let’s talk about priorities… What color bikini did you buy?”

“Max…” she chuckled in awareness and felt so flattered hearing the interest in his voice.

“C’mon, kitten. It’s not fair to tease a man like that…”

“Who’s teasing?”

“What do the bikinis look like?”
