Page 98 of Forever Flaunting

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“It’s you and me, Max…” she breathed, loving him all the more. “We’re going to be so happy that people will be sick of us flaunting our relationship in front of them. Our kids are going to be…”

“You want to have my child?” he interrupted, his breath catching as she melted with an awareness that they were indeed going to have it all someday.

“Someday, I’m going to want a little version of you with a smart mouth, sassy attitude, and those gorgeous eyes…”

“I wanna give you that child with that sassy attitude… someday.”

“Someday,” she repeated breathlessly, moving slightly to close the gap between them.

“I love you so much,” he whispered, his voice trembling. “Do you mind if we give this a try between us because words are getting pretty hard to string together in my head? I don’t feel like they express what I’m thinking.”

“Stool softener?” she chuckled softly, brushing her nose against his and hearing his nervous laugh.

“Exactly,” he admitted, his hand moving to cradle the back of her neck.

“I love you – and trust you to keep me feeling safe, loved, and secure.”

“I’ll never fail you,” he promised, closing the gap between them as he kissed her deeply.

Hours later, they were sitting in a bubble bath, still drinking champagne and laughing wildly together while sampling the tray that Lewis had quickly left them earlier. Most of the food was unidentifiable and different but delicious all the same. There was some sort of seafood on there, a dark stew that had peppers in it, a corn cake, rice, and a strange pudding that was sweet.

“I won’t tell you what Lewis said this was…” Max teased, holding out a fork to her as she took a bite.

“Probably for the best,” she chuckled, turning to feed him a bite of the weird fishy-tasting item.

“We should name the stuff ourselves,” he grinned. “This one is called ‘Nemo’…”

“What? After ‘Finding Nemo’? Nooo – I love that movie!” Elana laughed, splashing him. “We do not name foods after my favorite Disney characters.”

“Ughhhh,” he groaned, but that smile was there. “Why are there always rules? ‘No, Max, don’t do that’ and ‘Yes, Max right there’… just let me have some fun, woman.”

Elana chuckled again as he winked at her.

“Fine,” she sighed dramatically. “This can be called ‘Nemo’ just for you…”

“Thank you.”

“And the stew we’ll call ‘Carpenter Stew’…”


“It’s spicy…”

“Rawrrrr…” he growled playfully, pulling her close and splashing the water everywhere as she laughed. “I like your kind of silly, even if it’s not much of a stretch of the imagination.”

“Sheesh… who knew you were a critic?”

Only to see him point at himself in mock indignation.

“Yes… YOU,” she smiled. “If it’s not your idea, then…”

“Nope,” he interrupted. “Don’t even finish that sentence because it’s not true, and we both know it. Marriage is about give and take. I want you to take everything I have to give, and I’m going to give in every time you crook your little finger at me.”

“I like our form of marriage,” she said tenderly, smiling at him as she cupped his face despite the bubbles on her hand. “You make me so happy, and I never imagined this.”

“Who else would put up with me?” he teased softly.

And she hesitated.
