Page 31 of Tempting Reese

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“Mav, you haven’t contacted your Dad or your grandfather, have you?” Franks asked.

“No. They left us. No reason to call someone when they don’t want you. I have Mom and Pappy and Cash. We are good.”

“Huh, odd,” Franks commented, mulling it all over. “You said the ex-husband left paperwork. Can I see it?”

Reese gathered the papers, handing them to him nervously, watching his stoic expression.

“You show these to anyone else?”

“Pappy and Cash,” Reese answered.

The room fell into silence as Franks read the paperwork.

“Am I going to have to go live with mom’s sperm donor?” Mav asked, breaking the quiet.

“No, fuck no.” Cash answered before anyone else could. “And if you try to run like your mother did, you are going to find yourself duct-taped to the lift in the garage.”

“My kid, you asshole, mine,” Reese jumped off the couch. “If you have such a problem with me and my ability to parent my kid, why are you still here?” There was only so much a woman could take on one day, and Cash had just crossed the line.

Franks let out a low whistle. “Stepped in it there, didn’t you?”

Pappy and Mav gawked as Cash and Reese squared off.

“It wouldn’t have been a problem if you had just opened your mouth and asked for help,” Cash roared. “But no, you have to do every damn thing all by yourself. It is a crime for someone else to help you.”

“I don’t even know you,” Reese shouted back. “You moved in a little over a week ago. Since then, you have decided I was your pet project. I told you before I didn’t want to get involved with you, but no, you couldn’t take that for an answer.”

“Okay, I think that is my cue to get gone,” Franks said, getting to his feet. “Reese, honey, I am going to take these with me to do some checking. I will let you know what I find.” Franks sent her a wink making Cash crazy. “Have fun with that, buddy,” he called on his way out the door.

The tension in the room skyrocketed as the door closed behind him. Mav sat on the floor looking between the adults in the room. Pappy watched Reese closely and then gave Cash the same scrutiny.

“Shit,” Cash breathed heavily, running his hands through his hair. “Oliver, you still drive?”

“Yeah,” Pappy replied.

“Why don’t you take Mav to that movie he was telling us about the other day? Take my truck,” Cash requested.

“Mom, are you going to be okay if I go?” Mav asked her while he glared at Cash.

“Kid, the last thing I ever want to do is hurt your mother. We just need a chance to work some shit out.”

Reese gave him a glare that matched her son’s before looking at Mav. “If you want to go to the movies, go ahead. Pappy will take you to see whatever you want. On your way home, stop by the grocery store and get something for dinner.”

Cash handed Pappy his keys. “I may be old, but if you hurt her, they will not find your body,” Pappy promised, ushering Mav out the door.

Cash waited until his truck backed out of the drive before closing Reese’s front door. He knew he needed to keep his temper in check. As much as he wanted to yell and demand she trust him, that wasn’t Reese’s way. He knew she would lock up tight if he did that. Leaning against the door, he paused to take a deep breath and steady himself for what was to come.

“I think it is time for you to go home,” Reese said quietly.

“Not until we get shit straight.”

“Say whatever you think you need to, and then go.”

“Damn it, Reese, you let me have you. Then you walk away in the middle of the damn night. Is that how shit works for you? Because that sure as hell isn’t how it works for me. What? Am I good enough to go to bed with but not good enough to let me help you? How funny is this shit? You were so damn worried you would be a one-and-done for me, and that is exactly what I was to you. How many times have you done this before?”

“You don’t have to be anything to me. I seem to be a constant problem for you. As I told you before, just take your ass back across the street and stay there. Just for your information, I haven’t been with anyone since Mav’s dad left. Not that it matters, seeing you have such a high opinion of me.”

“Stubborn damn woman,” Cash mumbled. “Is that really what you want? You want me to walk away? I was just a dick to get you off, is that it?”
