Page 39 of Tempting Reese

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“Beautiful,” Cash whispered, rubbing his cheek against her hair. “You are getting a car. I don’t want to hear another damn word about it.”

“Fine, I will not say a word as I walk past it every day to go to work.”

“Woman, it is a good thing I love you,” Cash grumbled, dropping a kiss on her head when Reese’s mouth fell to the floor. “Pick your jaw up, Reese,” he added, casually strolling out of the kitchen to go get a shirt.

“You what?” Standing all by herself, she wondered if she heard him right. Closing her mouth, she went back to getting dinner ready. “How can he say something like that and then walk away from me all casual as if nothing happened? Damn man. I am surrounded by damn men. I am not going crazy. It is just a testosterone overload.” Reese continued grumbling to herself until she put the pasta and cheese in the oven.

Chapter 16

Two days later, it showed up. Reese thought she made her point because it hadn’t been discussed again. Not over dinner with Pappy’s girlfriend that night, not during the private time they shared in her bed, and not over breakfast in the mornings when everyone discussed their day, no she thought he finally understood. Unfortunately, the evidence of the gap in understanding was now in her driveway.

Cash had it delivered from wherever he bought it. The little red Charger was parked in her driveway when she got out of the shower Saturday morning. The man had been sleeping in her bed every night, but that could easily change Reese ranted to herself. No wonder they had all been in a hurry to leave this morning.

Gripping the phone with enough force, she was surprised the plastic shell didn’t crack. Reese dialed the number for his garage. Pappy answered and quickly went to get the man her anger should be directed.

“Miss me already, Beautiful?” His voice purred, already aware of why she was calling.

“Get it out of my driveway,” Reese demanded.

“You moving in with me? We can move it across the street.”

“No, you insufferable idiot. I am not moving in with you, and I cannot accept it. A decent used car is one thing, but a new Charger is something else. It is too much. Get it out of my driveway and take it back.”

“Not up for discussion, woman. I gave you options, and you didn’t pick. I picked for you.”

“Fine, it can sit there, but I am not driving it.”

“Beautiful, you are going to drive it. You start work on Monday. You have to be there at four. I don’t want you walking in the dark to the bakery, and I know damn well you don’t want me driving you every morning.”



“Cash, no.”

“Reese, yes.”

“Why are you so unreasonable?” Reese cried.

“Because you are mine, and I want you to drive something safe and reliable. I don’t want to have to worry about you breaking down on the side of the road somewhere.”

“There are a lot of other cars that are safe and reliable. Plus they don’t cost as much.”

“So what?”

“So what? So what? It is too much, that is so what.” Reese felt like she was speaking a different language. A language Cash obviously didn’t understand. How could he not see a car was way too extravagant?

“Beautiful, can you just do this for me? Can you just drive the damn car and not bust my ass about it?”


“Why? Is it some bullshit about only having to rely on yourself? Because if it is, you’re going to piss me off. You sleep next to me at night, so I know you are safe. I wanted you to have it, so I knew you were driving around in a safe, reliable vehicle. I bought it. You are driving it.”

“It is a car, Cash,” Reese spoke slowly and clearly. “A car that costs almost as much as my house. A car that comes with a payment I have no idea how I could make.”

“We probably should talk about houses too. Wanna live with me, Beautiful?”

“My god, how did I miss the fact you are crazy?”
