Page 59 of Tempting Reese

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“Do I knock or just try to let myself inside? what-if he isn’t alone? Why didn’t I wear clothes?”

Reese was saved when the door opened. Stilling her nervous movements, she looked at Cash holding open the door. Dressed in a pair of unbuttoned jeans and nothing else, he stood waiting for her to make up her mind. Reese let her eyes wander over him. She did not miss the way his taunt muscles were poised to strike. He looked to be holding his breath, waiting on her to move. The jeans he pulled on clung to his hips, barely covering him. Her gaze worked its way back to his face. The raw desire written there had her sucking in her breath.

“I don’t know what to do,” she admitted.

“You want me?”

Reese could only nod.

“Beautiful, come here.”

Reese closed the distance between them slowly at first, then threw herself against him.

“Damn, I missed you,” Cash managed to get out before crushing his mouth down on hers.

He maneuvered her inside without breaking the kiss and kicked the door shut behind them. His hands caressed her body, desperate for the contact he craved.

“I am sorry I didn’t tell you about Ash before,” he told her in between heated kisses.

“I am sorry I didn’t let you explain.” Reese bit his bottom lip urging his mouth back to hers.

“You had until tomorrow morning, and then I was coming for you,” Cash growled as he nipped along her jaw. “My woman. Mine.”

“Don’t make me question it again.”

“Never again.”

Backing her against the door, Cash ripped open her robe. His hands molded her breasts as he feasted on her mouth. Reese let her head fall back, gasping when he rolled her nipples between his fingertips, and then he began plucking them gently. Cash placed heated kisses down her neck, making sure to leave marks behind that would still be visible tomorrow.

Her breathy moan told him she was just as lost as he was. His mouth replaced his hands on her breasts. He toyed with them, lapping each hardened end and blowing his breath across the tips just to watch her shiver as she clenched her thighs together. A growl escaped him as he lowered his head again. Nipping and sucking her pebbled nipples in long hard tugs, Cash was rewarded with desperate moans from deep within her body.

Reese couldn’t take it anymore. She was ready to explode from his mouth on her breasts. Her panties were drenched, and her thighs were wet, but she wasn’t going to orgasm without him. Reese needed the connection. She craved the intimacy it created when they found that magical place together.

She wound her legs around his waist. The rough denim against the soft lace of her panties barely covering her pussy had her rolling her hips to create the delicious friction her body needed.

Cash pressed her into the door, hitching her up higher, holding her in place with the weight of his body. He made sure she could rub her pussy on the erection poking out the top of his jeans. The first time her soaked panties slid over his engorged head, Cash almost lost it.

“Beautiful, I have to have you.”

“Yes,” Reese moaned, rolling her hips again.

“Gonna take you right here,” Cash ground out. His mouth moved back to hers as one of his hands moved to grip her ass. The other worked his zipper down.

While his hands were busy, Reese nibbled her way down his neck. She bit down on the spot that jumped with his pulse. If Reese was going to wear his marks tomorrow, then he would be wearing hers as well. When his fingers brushed against her lace covering her pussy, she cried out his name to the sound of his jeans hitting the floor.

“Fuck,” he groaned. Twisting his fingers in her panties, he pulled the material aside, guiding his cock home. Rubbing his head, coating it in her wetness, Cash stopped, poised at her entrance. “Tell me you want me.”

“Want you so bad,” Reese panted. She tried to move. Reese needed him inside her, but his weight held her to the door, leaving her at his mercy.

“Whose woman are you?” Cash demanded.

“Yours,” she struggled, ready to beg.

“That’s right, Beautiful. Mine. The only one I want.” Teasing her, Cash pushed only the thick head of his cock inside. He hooked her legs over his arms, opening her completely. His hands gripped her ass, holding her just where he wanted her as he kneaded her soft flesh.

“Cash,” Reese called, her head falling back against the door with a thud.

Cash gripped her ass harder, pulling her to him as he thrust inside her. Balls deep, he held her against the door, unable to move as the sensation washed over them. Reese tried to tighten her legs around him, but Cash refused to change his grip. Instead, he tilted her hips toward him, driving deeper. Slowly withdrawing from her body, he brushed against her clit as he rocked back in her.
