Page 16 of Gavin DeLuca

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Pierre accepted his hand with a smile. Then Brocco reached across the table. Xavier stared at Brocco’s outstretched hand for a second before his shoulders relaxed, and he shook it back. “Now, can we figure out how to fucking take out Brazino?”

Pierre and Brocco howled their approval. I looped my arm around my wife’s neck. “Decide whatever you think is best, and Brocco will catch me up. It’s our honeymoon, and I think we need to be alone. Is that cool, Mrs. DeLuca?”

She wrinkled her face. “It’s going to take a minute to get used to my new last name. But we do need to consummate this marriage before Brazino tries another tactic to come after us.”

Xavier’s whole facial expression wrinkled in disgust. “TMI.”

While my arm remained slung around her neck, she kissed each brother’s cheek, including a beaming Brocco.

Xavier grudgingly shook my hand. “Take care of my sister.”

I nodded. “Always.”

Holding hands, my new wife and I left the boardroom to begin our lives as a married couple.

Chapter 7


“The look on all of your faces was priceless.” Storm giggled as we pulled into my garage, and I helped her out of the car. “Xavier’s expression was the funniest. His face read what the fuck, and then is it really happening?”

“I’m still shell-shocked that I left here this morning single and free as a bird and coming home with a ball and a chain.” I teased, and she laughed only harder. I opened the door and swept her in my arms before she could take a step. “I have to carry you over the threshold.”

“I swear I’m about to swoon.” She kissed my lips sweetly.

I carried her past the kitchen, living area, and stairs. I finally placed her down in the middle of my bed, and I hovered over her. “One day, I’ll give you the wedding of your dreams. We can fly out anywhere you want this weekend for our honeymoon.”

Storm frowned. “We don’t have to. We needed a solution, and this was it. I have a big convention coming to the hotel this weekend and can’t take off anyway. We’ll have plenty of time to travel. We’re going to have a good life together.” She nodded, though I could see the doubt in the gold flecks of her eyes.

I looked down at her and at the resolve and sacrifice she made for her family. Storm would be a dutiful and loyal wife. A helpmate, a support, and a good mother to my children. Marriage would be easy. She would give me whatever I asked for without protest because I protected the people she loved the most, her family. In her resolve, I also recognized that her heart...her heart would never be mine again. My wife would honor me without the deep love I craved. She would honor me until death parted us.

When I pictured marrying Storm, she would be sure of me and our love. She would love me passionately and with abandon to the depths of her soul forever. It’s how she used to love me. I ruined the possibility of the marriage we both desired when I took away Cain. Knowing ultimately that I couldn’t have a lasting marriage without owning Storm’s whole heart, I would bow out. Tonight, I would consummate our marriage, and then tomorrow, request we sleep separately until enough time had passed to divorce amicably. I wouldn’t cheat on her, disrespect her in any way with other women, or force myself on her. I would give her the freedom she wanted from me. I would be the benevolent king and not the tyrant.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” She dragged her finger down my face and slowly over my lips. “You’re way too gorgeous to frown on your wedding night.”

“Just thinking how damn lucky I am that you’re my wife. That I hate we wasted so many years.” I placed my finger on her lips at her expected protest. “I know...I know...why we weren’t together. It doesn’t change the way I hate that years passed of not seeing your pretty, light eyes or touching this body of yours. Of loving you.”

“I’m here now.” She pulled my head down to kiss me, and my ravenous need for this woman took over.

Storm pushed my pants over my ass, and I reached under her dress to drag her panties down over her legs and off her feet. I gripped her thighs and spread them far apart as I thrust so deep inside she moaned in rapturous pleasure. I closed my eyes and savored the touch of her wet walls hugging my dick and knew this was my heaven. I never wanted to leave again.

Chapter 8


The next morning, I couldn’t move with his warm body curved to mine, and I reveled in the knowledge that Gavin was mine to have and to hold forever. We’d sexed all night. Four times, to be exact. He loved on every part of my body. Rubbed and sucked on my breasts until my nipples were tender. His tongue tasted every part of me as he murmured how much he loved me over and over. My pussy was slick and sore from his dick, and yet my clit pulsed for more of his attention, watching the curl of his lashes against his cheek. Soon he would awaken, and my body would be ready for more fucking and love making.

The decision to marry Gavin had been a foregone conclusion when he called me to set up the boardroom for a meeting with both of our families once he told me of the warning. I quickly used my resources to find a Pastor who knew all the ends and outs of a quickie wedding and marriage. I didn’t even hesitate to think if we should because I knew we had no choice if the St. James family wanted to be around for future generations. I’d banked on the men being so consumed with trying to devise the best strategy that they would comply by the time I introduced getting married right now. I counted on them being too surprised to do anything else, which is exactly what happened. Even Xavier seemed to have full acceptance of the joining of our families.

Last night, when Gavin looked down at me full of love and hope, I became afraid. Scared I wouldn’t be the wife he wanted me to be. Scared that I would fuck up. Scared that I couldn’t love him the way I used to love him. The way I knew he wanted with no reservations and with all of my heart. Yet, I can’t lie. I felt complete when our bodies connected as one after so many years. We felt right. Like nothing had happened to change our love. Last night was the first time I believed it was possible to truly forgive Gavin for Cain’s death and love him again.

He mumbled in his sleep and held onto me tighter. Seven years ago, he’d made me the happiest woman because I hadn’t believed I could meet a man like him. He understood the criminal dynamics of my family, respected my career, supported anything I desired, and enjoyed being my friend, too. And for a man as handsome and virile as he was, whose heart seemed cold to never look at another woman in my presence, he boosted my self-confidence in ways he never thought possible. Gavin DeLuca had been my prince, and now I would be his queen.

I pressed kisses on his face and his heart-shaped lips, loving the angelic appearance of his face while he slept soundly. When he wasn’t ready to wake up, I turned on the shower and stepped in, allowing the warm water to caress my body. I leaned my head back so the water would roll off my hair and down my back. Soon, I felt his mouth around my puckered nipples, and he fisted my hair with one hand. He jerked my head back, arching my back to give him and the water access to my breasts. Already swollen and sore, my hand pressed his head closer to my breast. He reached down between my legs, and once he discovered my slickness, he lifted my right leg and thrust inside of me before lifting my other one and pressing me against the back wall. Each thrust hurt, and yet I never wanted him to stop. Gavin fucked me harder and harder until he began to pant. He yelled his orgasm as he spilled his seed deep inside of me.

I could barely stand, and he held me up, lovingly washing me from head to toe. His blue eyes sparkled in the light, though he couldn’t maintain my eye contact, looking away when we locked eyes. My heart and stomach lurched when he gingerly dried me off and sat me down on his bed. His cold and blank expression told the story. Whatever he was about to tell me didn’t bode well for us and our marriage.

He wrapped a towel around his waist and inhaled deeply. His actions caused his towel to drop, and when he bent to retrieve the towel, I heard the whistle of a bullet passing. Instinctively, I dropped to the floor and covered him as our bedroom became riddled with bullets. He snatched me to the other side of the bed and the trap door underneath the bed. We’d just slipped in and down the ladder when his room exploded. The blast forced us to the carpet of his basement. He moved me frantically to the wall and opened up a closet. He threw sweats and a t-shirt at me. I hurriedly put the too-big clothes on. He grabbed the same for himself. Gavin opened another panel, and several guns were mounted to the back of the panel. He snatched two handguns. Gave me one, and I pushed it in my waistband. He put one in the back of his waistband, grabbed a Swiss knife, and tossed it to me. He finally grabbed a machine gun and pushed me behind him as he slowly opened the door to the garage. A door I hadn’t noticed. He pushed another button, and his spare key dropped from a box on the wall.
