Page 30 of Gavin DeLuca

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“Why do you want to go to the commission?”

I straightened at my desk. “I took out one of our own, and I need to be clear that I have no regrets and am ready to deal with whatever consequences the commission sets forth. I don’t want anyone else to be blamed for my kill.”

He cooly replied, “I may be unable to protect you.”

“I understand that. Like I said, I’m ready to deal with whatever the commission decides, even if it’s death.”

“What do you want from them?”

“To leave Harlem alone.”

“Aww...your woman’s family. The St. James family, right?” I could hear the smile in his tone.

“Yes. She may not want to be my wife anymore, but still deserves my protection.”

“Always the romantic, Gavin. I remember when you visited as a young boy, loving all the girls. Are you trying to make DeLucas soft?”

“Not at all. I’m still a soldier and ruthlessly loyal to you and my family name until the day I die.”

He snapped, “You’re no longer a soldier. I made you a Don, and I don’t make mistakes.” He let his words sit between us before he asked, “What was the other request?”

“To kill Brocco,” I said it without guilt or pain. It was business. No longer personal.

Enzo drily replied, “He made the same request before the explosion.”

“Then you allowed it.” I felt a sinking sensation. If Enzo granted permission, it meant that sooner or later, Enzo would make sure the job was done if Brocco seemed incapable.

“No. You didn’t warrant death. He still attempted to do so, though he says it was Brazino. For his disobedience, he won’t ever be a Don, but I can’t allow you to kill him. Brothers shouldn’t kill brothers.”

“Noted. Then you’re recommending me to remain a Don?”

“Only if the commission asks for my input. Then I will recommend it. I’m staying out of this. I have too many other territories to manage. If you want to continue being Don, do as you said and go before the commission. I won’t interfere in any decision they make. However, if they decide to kill you, Brooklyn will continue to be run by a DeLuca but not Brocco.”

Feeling some sense of relief that even in my death, Brooklyn would still be run how my father intended, I sighed loudly, “That’s what I wanted to know.”

“Something told me you wanted to ensure the DeLuca name remains strong in New York. Is that all?”


“Then carry on, and I hope this isn’t the last time we speak.”

“It won’t be,” I promised as I bid him goodbye.

AS SOON AS I STEPPED out of my car at the Café in Two Bridges, Brocco approached me. “Get back in.”

I narrowed my eyes. “What did you do to Big Tony?”

“What I do to all traitors.” He grinned. “Get in.”

My blood boiled as my mind raced with possibilities of all he may have done with Big Tony as I slid into my car and waited for him to get in the passenger side. I picked up my gun inside my car door, Enzo’s words clear. Brothers don’t kill brothers.

Still, I pressed my gun into his side. “I’m not driving anywhere. So tell me whatever the fuck you need to tell me.”

He glanced down and tightened his jaw. “Listen, I don’t know what Brazino, Big Tony, or anyone else told you. There’s been a misunderstanding. I didn’t have anything to do with the attack on your house. It was Pierre. We’d already met and decided to take out Brazino and pin it on Xavier. Effectively ending his days as a boss so Pierre could step up. No one would suspect Pierre. He’d been too lowkey but still a force in Harlem. I tricked Brazino into believing I wanted him to kill you and told him to stop by your home as a warning. I wanted him to drop his guard and allow me close enough to kill him. After you and Storm left, the brothers and I decided to fake an attempt on your life to legitimately go after Brazino. I thought Pierre was down with what we decided and that he would figure out how to erase Xavier on his own. I was stunned when the men called me to say your house had been destroyed by Brazino’s men, but you had managed to live.”

I listened with my gut and not my ears. He orchestrated everything. Maybe not Xavier’s death, but he knew it was possible. I played along with his lies. I lowered the gun. “Then we go to the commission, tell them Brazino attacked me, and I admit I killed Brazino.”

“Don’t you see that’ll bring too much confusion to the commission?”
