Page 123 of Royally Fated

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I felt a pulse on the edge of my perception and stood up straight as I dropped my basket. I knew that feeling, even if it didn’t happen all that often. It was the warning barriers around my territory telling me that someone had passed through them. They were soft enchantments not meant to repel anyone, just to give me a little extra warning in case they were up to no good.

But I didn’t need to feel enchantment to know who was rushing toward. Me. I could feel that familiar echo going through my soul. The next thing I knew, I was running down the path leading to the main road Kai and I spent one of his visits constructing. The same road that would lead to Oren and Darla’s home, as well as Mad Dog and Felicity’s summer cottage.

I’d never expected us to make our own little family, but we had. I’m sure none of us ever expected it when we all first met—well, expect for Darla maybe—but we were all pretty happy with our lowkey arrangement.

“Kai!” I called, breathing hard as I raced up the path. Since leaving the army, all the physical drills I used to do had fallen to the wayside, and my endurance wasn’t as lengthy as when I was a part of the active military.

But I liked that I didn’t need to be an efficient machine anymore. I didn’t have to be in peak physical condition because I had to fight for my life at any moment, and honestly, after three years, I’d gotten used to it.

But I’d be breathless even if I weren’t running. Because there, just on the edge of my vision, I saw a giant wolf bounding toward me, his dark fur blending into the natural shadows of the woods. Even after all our time together, I was always struck by the beauty and power of his wolf form. He truly was a royal alpha through and through.

And he was mine, just as much as I was his.

He crossed the distance in nothing flat, and when he was less than a couple of yards, he launched himself into the air. I braced myself, but I should have known that he was far too protective to ever harm me, because his powerful, lupine body burst into steam, and a moment later, none other than Kai was landing in front of me.

“My love!” I cried, a phrase I never thought would erupt from my mouth, and especially in that tone. I flung myself at him, and he caught me in his strong arms, the fine fabric of his royal robes soft against my much rougher spun ones.

“Ayla, Ayla, Ayla.” He repeated my name like he was afraid I’d disappear if he didn’t say it. But there wasn’t a single thing that existed in our world that could pull me from his arms. Because finally, finally, he was home. This was no visit, no fleeting time together. After a year in the palace, and three full years while I prepared our home in the woods, Kai was finally, permanently leaving the capital.

Well, almost. With Seraphina old enough to rule on her own, and four years of preparation, she was becoming the full queen of our nation. We would drop in for most holidays, her birthdays, and any emergencies where she sought the presence of her elder brother. Just enough so she would never feel alone, but not so often that Kai and I couldn’t have the peace we’d always dreamed of.

“I can’t believe you’re really here,” I said, looking at him in a whole new light. Not because he was particularly different—us shifters did age quite slowly—but because there was no countdown to his absence. No rush to cram as much into our time together as we could. Now we could go slowly, we could savor, we could laze about and just dwell in the moment like I’d been waiting for.

“I am,” he said before taking my hands in his and kissing me for all we were worth. I was surprised my feet didn’t lift off the ground, sending me floating right into paradise.

But that was because paradise was right in front of me in the soul of my mate. Despite everything that had tried to keep us apart, we were finally united, exactly as we were always meant to be.

Kai and Ayla, the witch and the prince. Just us.

I was breathless when we parted, because of course I was. Even after years together, my body still craved him with just as much intensity, and I could tell through our bond that he felt the same.

“Come on,” I said, taking his hand, hoping he could feel every ounce of love in my voice. “Let me show you your home.”

“I’ve been here before, Ayla.” He chuckled, allowing me to tug him along. “I was just here three months ago.”

“Yeah, but those were only visits. This is different. This is our happily ever after.”

I loved the wide, easy grin that broke across his features. “It really is, isn’t it?”

I nodded, words failing me as my heart flooded with so much fondness, affection, and joy. I could tell Kai wanted to kiss me again, but I was too busy insistently pulling him along toward the garden.

And it was just like that, hand in hand, that we walked into our future.

