Page 61 of Royally Fated

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I was so exhausted on our initial trip to the cottage, I hadn’t really been able to absorb all the details of the road leading into Blath. Now I was much more rested, I took in the scenery, impressed with how the simple yet elegant architecture of the fae blended in with the environment. It felt like they were living on the island rather than carving their way out of it.

It made me wonder if fae, with their more subtle form of magic, were more tied into how they interacted with the world. Once things were calmer, I’d get to study more of their magic, and their anatomy while I was at it. I was about as knowledgeable as any healer on how to deal with a fae patient, yet there was always more to learn.

“So, how exactly are we going to get in touch with Aodin?” Darla asked while we dawdled along. I didn’t think that we as a group had ever strolled together, but there really was no other word for the easy pace we’d set. “Am I just supposed to scan the entire area around us until I feel his mind?”

“I mean, you could,” I answered more than flippantly. “But I get the feeling that he’ll find out we’re in town pretty soon after we get there.”

“Really? You think the gossip here is as bad as the capital?”

“It’s more that the Arbiters are likely to spot us and want to talk or spread the word,” Kai said. “Not malicious, but definitely an effective way to communicate.”

“Ahh, I see. Well, sounds easier for me.”

However, I had an idea. “But what you could do for me is keep your mind open for any strong fae magic user.”

“Oh? You plotting something in that head of yours?”

“Not specifically, but I figured while I’m here, I may as well make the best of the situation. Also, I want to start compiling a list of everything I could need to create a Blood Trifecta Curse.”

Darla looked absolutely stunned. “A blood tri…who pissed you off, Ayla?”

“I mean, it’s not exactly a small list, but it’s not for anyone specific. At least not any truly living thing.”

“You’re being cagey.”

“Am I?” I batted my eyes at Darla, and she rolled hers right back. “I do want to see if there’s a magic user here who can do something like what Yvonne did. I know they won’t be able to duplicate her spell, but honestly, anything adjacent will make me feel better.”

“Ah, I see.”

I could have explained to Darla how I was going to try cursing my own damned Malignant Shadow so it could see how it liked being so completely encumbered with malevolence, but I wasn’t ready yet. I’d only just had the idea, and I still wanted to workshop it in my head a little.

“I’ll keep my mind open, then. I do think it’s best to be proactive with your curse.”

“I agree with you there.”

The conversation drifted, usually switching suddenly when one of us spotted some beautiful tree or building. It took what felt like longer than our trip to the cottage to reach the actual city of Blath again, but that was likely just because we were all taking our time, poking down the path that’d most definitely changed from a way to walk along the road to an official sidewalk next to the paved street.

“Your Highness!”

We paused at the call, and sure enough, a vaguely familiar fae quickly strode up to us. I was sure I’d seen her at the tavern, but my memory of that time was fuzzy considering how tired I’d been.

“Ah, Magnella,” Kai said, because of course, he remembered her name. “How may I help you?”

“I just wanted to pick your brain on something I heard that in the capital any talk of Vekas is forbidden. I assumed this was just an exaggeration, but is this the case?”

I knew I should pay attention, but my mind drifted as Kai spoke, his politician voice back in place. I understood my mate had years of experience in presenting himself in a royal manner, but it was always disconcerting to see him slip into his more official persona. It was close to the uncanny valley. Like a stranger was wearing Kai’s face and speaking in his voice.

Granted, it did get a whole lot easier to accept when I kept in mind that it was Prince Nikolai who was speaking, not my beloved Kai. Not the captain of Fort Canid.

By the time that conversation finished, we were only able to move a few more steps before another fae approached us—another arbiter who also had more questions. I couldn’t blame them for being curious and starstruck, but also I just wanted to be able to see Blath.

With so many interruptions, it wasn’t exactly surprising to see Aodin lackadaisically approaching us as we headed toward the same tavern we’d first gone in.

“Hello there! I didn’t expect to see you out. Did you get stir crazy already?”

“Just wanted to stretch our legs,” Kai answered while I nodded. “And also inquire about getting some more…practical clothing.”

“Ah, yes, of course. Our traditional summer clothes are casual, I suppose, at least for military types. I’ll absolutely have a selection delivered to your cottages. I’m certain Tove keeps a majority of his clothes on his ship, and buys then discards anything else he needs on his various trips.”
