Page 40 of Lethal Encounter

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“I…I don’t know,” Orion said.

When Panahasi moved forward, Santee was seconds away from passing out. “Leave his memory intact. His mate is close by. His knowledge of today might help lessen his fear.”

“I don’t know anything,” Orion quickly said. “I also didn’t see anything. I swear. Animals? What animals? Men just appearing in my room? Nope, I didn’t see that, either.”

Maverick, who had Marvell by the throat, chuckled. “I like him.”

Panahasi waved a hand, and Beckett was instantly dressed. That was a trick Santee wished he possessed.

“Marvell Delk, you are sentenced to the underworld for your crimes,” Panahasi said.

“That was my line,” Maverick argued. “Stay in your lane.”

As Christian walked past Santee, he smirked. “I swear I’m dealing with children most of the time.”

“Don’t blame me because your old man likes to steal someone’s thunder,” Maverick argued as Christian walked out of the room.

“What about the deputy and Cormac?” Santee asked.

Panahasi walked over to them and hunkered down, which looked ridiculous considering how tall he was. First, he rested a hand on the deputy’s chest, and both Santee and Orion gasped as a blue light shown, like a wisp of smoke that went from the cop’s chest right into the demon leader’s hand.

Then he repeated what he’d done on Cormac.

Like Santee knew what the guy had done to begin with. He didn’t.

“They’ll be fine,” Panahasi said as he stood.

“My mate.” Santee turned toward Beckett.

“It’s not my blood.” Beckett pulled Santee into his arms, but glared at Marvell, who was struggling to get free.

Santee should have felt something for his brother, but he couldn’t find it in him to feel anything. Not after a lifetime of abuse at Marvell’s hands. Not after the lives that had been lost because of him.

“What’s the underworld?” Orion asked from behind Santee.

“Do you really want to know?” Panahasi asked.

Although Santee had heard of the place, he had no clue what happened there. “I do.”

“Your brother is going to relive every terrible thing he’s done over and over again for the rest of his life,” Maverick said.

Marvell snarled and tried to shove Maverick away from him, but one solid punch to his jaw rendered Santee’s brother unconscious. He fell limp in the wolf shifter’s grasp.

“Why do they do shit to send them to the underworld and then fight like crazy not to go?” Maverick asked.

“Would you want to go?” Panahasi asked him.

Christian returned. “Memories wiped. The gunmen have been disposed of, and the wreckage has been cleaned up. Let’s get out of here. My mates are waiting for me.”

“So are mine,” Panahasi said.

“Thank fuck I only have one to answer to,” Maverick said.

Santee blinked several times as they disappeared through… Was that a swirling hole? He felt just as shocked as Orion looked. Santee might be a shifter, but there was a lot about his own world that he didn’t know.

Like that weird-looking swirling hole that the men had just stepped into.

“I think I might need to stay here under sedation,” Orion said.
