Page 1 of Brutal King

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Come closer, little fox. Closer…

My heart taps out a frantic rhythm as adrenaline rushes my veins. The mad flutter drowns out the rumble of engines and sharp blasts of horns just beyond the lush tranquility of Central Park. A sanctuary amidst the chaos.

My gaze settles on her. The object of my desire, the reason my cock strains against my slacks. The thrill of the chase is seductive, addictive, a narcotic far more potent than any available on the market. Crouching behind the shadows of the towering oak, my prey is oblivious to the predator lurking only a few feet away.

The alluring redhead clutches a white paper bag in her hand, her delicate fingers obscuring the name of the franchise. I only know there’s a salad inside because I trailed her from the moment she left Palestra. The exclusive gym is nestled within the bowels of the Plaza Hotel. Thanks to my newfound success with Gemini Corp, I was finally granted entry to the high-end facility. Not only would it provide me with unfettered access to the enticing female, but it would also serve as a strategic location to network with the high and mighty of Manhattan.

The only downside is being forced to endure the occasional presence of my half-brother, Dante Valentino, the insufferable capo of the Kings. He and his brother Luca rule the streets of lower Manhattan with their underground dealings, while their aboveboard business affairs are conducted through King Industries. Thanks to a few key moves, Gemini Corp is now poised to overtake both parts of their enterprise.

My half-brothers have everything, while my brother, Marco, and I grew up penniless at the cruel hands of the foster care system. Now all of that is about to change.

The crackle of footsteps across brittle twigs returns my attention to the task at hand. The mesmerizing female settles down on a bench, folding one leg over the other. Wisps of brilliant auburn hair lash across her face as a chilly spring breeze sails across the oak trees. I’ve always had a thing for redheads, but this is different…

The beautiful Maisy Jordan captured my attention three long months ago. I’ve waited patiently, looming in the shadows but cazzo, I can’t watch her from afar any longer. It’s time for me to make my move.

I step out from behind the thick trunk of the ancient oak but before I make it far, a man appears and with a cheesy smile, sits beside my little fox.

A wave of fury lashes at my insides as he strikes up a conversation. She smiles politely, as they discuss the weather. Clearly, this man has no idea what he’s doing. She brings the plastic fork to her mouth, and her full pink lips close around the verdant leaves of lettuce. Irrational jealousy flares at the nerve of that fork, of that salad to experience those lips. I’ve dreamt of them since that day in the container at the shipping yard when I had Maisy at my mercy.

She wasn’t supposed to be there. It was my half-brother’s girlfriend I’d been targeting. Maisy had been collateral damage, but only a few hours with that woman and I was hopelessly obsessed.

I’ve never stalked a woman before, but with every passing day, the roots of obsession grow deeper. I was content with keeping my distance at first, but now, the urge to touch her is overwhelming.

A bubbly laugh jerks my attention to the pair still chatting on the park bench. The blonde guy has his phone out now, and he’s clearly trying to get her number. That rage ignites, and my nails curl into my palms.

My feet propel me forward before I can stop myself. I emerge from behind the trees, and Maisy’s gaze lifts almost instantly. Her deep emerald irises latch onto mine, and a faint gasp escapes those pretty pink lips.

It’s the first time I’ve let her see me since all those months ago at the airport. I’d tracked my half-brother and his fiancé to JFK and again, Maisy had simply been at the wrong place at the wrong time. But so right for me.

I stalk closer and that mouth curves into a capital O. I can just imagine her lips wrapped around my cock, sucking and licking me into oblivion. Fuck, I’m so hard now it hurts.

The blonde guy’s head swivels in my direction, and I imagine twisting it farther, until it snaps. The satisfying crunch of bones sends a rush of gratification through my hollow chest.

“Nico Rossi…” she whispers on an exhale, and fuck me, my name on her lips only fuels the fire raging below my belt. I’ve never had such a visceral reaction to a woman. Maybe it’s the months I’ve spent watching her, keeping myself at a careful distance. It’s an entirely new experience for me.

“Good afternoon, little fox.” I dip my head into a slight bow, my eyes fixed to hers. To her body’s reaction to mine.

Her cheeks are flushed, her chest rises and falls more quickly, her lips parted in invitation. I’m not imagining it; she’s startled by my presence but there’s something more there too.

The male stands to his full height, still half a head shorter than me, and offers his hand. “Jack Dawson, and you are?”

“Not interested,” I growl, my gaze intent only on Maisy.

“What are you doing here?” she asks, the slight tremble in her voice doing illicit things to my cock.

“Simply enjoying the beautiful scenery.” I inch closer so that her tantalizing scent reaches my nostrils. It’s a heady mix of orchids and warm vanilla. I can only imagine what she tastes like.

Her eyes taper at the edges as if she doesn’t quite know what to make of this situation. She’s frightened, yes, but there’s more, too. Pressing the plastic lid atop the salad container, she drops her chin. The moment her eyes leave mine that vacant chasm in my chest deepens.

Maisy hastily shoves the remains of her lunch in a plastic bag and stands, swiveling toward the grinning idiot. “It was nice meeting you, Jack, but I have to get back to the office.”

“Oh, sure.” He rises and holds out his hand again, his fingers closing around her small palm. “The pleasure was all mine. I’ll call you tomorrow then.”
