Page 107 of Brutal King

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“And have a wedding to plan!” Rose squeals.

Luca grunts, and he exchanges a quick glance with his brother.

The great CEO of King Industries was forced into hiding for months with his fiancée after bounties were placed on their heads by the Red Dragons. According to the rumors, Dante had essentially kidnapped the newly engaged couple to compel them to leave the country.

“Sit, everyone, get comfortable,” says Maisy, motioning to the living area.

I return to my spot on the couch and cradle my drink. Nico sits beside me before tugging Maisy into his lap. The two are nauseatingly in love. I suppose it’s a good thing I moved out or I never would’ve been able to handle their constant fucking. Knowing my brother’s obsessive tendencies, he’s likely desperate to impregnate her to ensure she remains by his side forever.

Maisy nudges her elbow into Nico’s ribs, and he slides to the edge of the cushion and clears his throat. “We appreciate you both coming today.”

“It wasn’t by choice,” Dante grumbles.

“D!” Rose smacks her husband on the leg. “You promised to be nice.”

“Yes, both of you did,” Stella adds, shooting a glare at her fiancé. “You’re all family, and it’s about time you started acting like it.”

“It’s a good thing we’re not outnumbered.” Luca smirks eyeing the three females. “Or we’d never get away with anything.” He squeezes Stella’s hand, and she leans into his touch.

Dio, all my brothers are whipped. I’d grown up hearing about the great Luca and Dante Valentino and now they’re nothing more than beaten dogs, kept at heal by their women. I barely recognize Nico anymore. Apparently, this love thing is contagious. It’s a good thing I have zero intentions of ever settling down.

Maisy grins as she eyes the younger Valentino. Luca is nothing like Dante. Unlike his unhinged older brother, he’s the smooth-talking, ladies’ man. Kind of like me. Or at least he was, until he put that rock on Stella’s finger.

“How about a toast,” says Rose, lifting her glass. “To a peaceful future between the Kings and Geminis.”

“And between the Valentinos and Rossi’s,” Maisy adds.

Luca and Dante nod, but both wear matching scowls. Nico shoots me a glare, and I lift my glass just like the others.

“To family,” I offer sarcastically.

“That’s the spirit, Marco.” Maisy clinks her glass to mine, and I do my best to keep a straight face. This is all such bullshit. Even if our father didn’t abandon us, I don’t find it the least bit necessary to continue this charade with our half-brothers.

Nico may have agreed to this truce, but it doesn’t change the fact that the Geminis and Kings will always be competitors, in the boardroom and on the streets. To pretend otherwise is just insulting.

“Luca tell them,” Stella whisper-hisses, drawing my attention.

“Cazzo, amore, give me a minute.”

“She’s right, we might as well get this over with,” Dante growls. “This couldn’t be any more uncomfortable, and I’m ready to get out of here.” He turns his feral gaze to Rose, and a smirk creeps over the scowl. “Besides I’ve only got a few more hours in that damned window to put a baby in my wife’s belly.”

“Dante!” Rose shrieks and slaps my half-brother across the back of the head.

“You know, I’m sure Nico wouldn’t mind if you used the guest bedroom.” A devious grin pulls at my own lips.

“Oh, my, gawd. You guys are all so embarrassing.” Rose buries her face in her hands as Dante releases a wicked chuckle.

At least my half-brother’s incredibly inappropriate comment has eased the rising tension in the room.

“You were saying, Luca?” Nico eyes the male across the coffee table who looks so much like our father it’s unnerving.

“Right.” Luca slides to the edge of the couch and runs his hand through his dark hair. Dark hair who looks a hell of a lot like mine.

Stop, damn it. This whole family reunion thing is weird enough.

“While Stella and I were away,” Luca continues, “we went to Papà’s hometown in Naples.”

My chest tightens for an instant as memories of home bubble to the surface. I haven’t been back to Italy since the day our Nonno put us on that damned airplane. I shove back the images of my youth, hard. I don’t need to be dwelling on those few, bright shiny moments right now.
