Page 51 of Brutal King

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I drop back down on the edge of the chair and tap my foot on the cement. “I’m a busy man, Qian. You already wasted my time forcing me to watch you fuck that girl, for what? Some sort of power play? You want to measure my cock against yours? It won’t even be a competition.”

The corner of his lip curls as he regards me. “I would like to see your cock, I’m sure it would be quite impressive. I don’t discriminate, Mr. Rossi—males, females, they’re all the same in the end, nothing but a warm hole to sink my dick into.”

A wave of fury rolls through me, and I leap up. Is this guy for fucking real? Max is at my side, gun drawn before the Four Seas asshole can blink.

Qian smirks and holds up his hands innocently. “Relax, Nico, no disrespect intended. I’m only letting you know the option exists. You seem strung a little tight.” His gaze drops to my crotch and my hard-on straining against the zipper.

“I’m. Not. Interested,” I grit out.

“Suit yourself.” He shrugs, turning his attention to approaching footsteps. One of the males in a navy hood appears escorting a dark-haired woman.

Unlike the last one, she’s fully clothed in a form-fitting silk gown and completely breathtaking. With creamy porcelain skin and jet-black hair pulled into a flawless bun, the woman is the picture of a dainty, demure, Asian beauty.

“Perhaps she’d be more to your liking.” Qian follows my gaze, lifting a dark brow.

He would probably be right if I wasn’t so damned obsessed with a certain redhead waiting for me at my penthouse.

“Mr. Rossi, I’d like to present my sister, Jia.”

The girl offers me a tight smile and a bow, and I return the gesture despite the surprise rattling my insides. How that beautiful creature could be related to the beast in front of me is beyond my rational thought.

“A pleasure,” I mutter.

Qian clears his throat and slides to the end of the crushed velvet cushion. “You see, I was thinking, if I’m to put my men in such risk, perhaps there’s something you could do in exchange.” His gaze flits between his sister and me. “Perhaps we could bind our families in marriage.”




An hour my butt. Where was that infuriating mobster? I stare out the French windows off the living room that face an enormous silver skyscraper. I’m surrounded by them, stuck in the concrete jungle of midtown Manhattan. It’s only been twenty-four hours and already, I miss the peaceful solitude of the Upper West Side. Give me the green of Riverside Park over these towering office buildings any day.

If I wasn’t truly terrified of Jasper, I would’ve marched my butt right back to my townhouse. That and the burly Italian stationed at the door.

I cast a quick glance over my shoulder and offer a smile. The big male with a barrel chest grits his teeth, his lips sliding into more of a sneer than something friendly.

“Housekeeping!” A quick knock sends my heart into a tailspin, and I draw in a steadying breath as I creep to the door.

“I’ve got this,” the big guy interjects, holding his arm out to block me before I reach the entrance. He peers through the peephole for a long minute before finally twisting the knob.

“Hola, Pepe.” A young woman rushes in, a messy bun propped on the top of her head, with dark tendrils of hair spilling down her heart-shaped face.

“It’s Giuseppe,” he grumbles.

“Ah, si, that’s right.” She offers him a smirk and already I love this girl. She stops in front of me, looks me up and down, and her dark brows furrow. “And who might you be, you pretty little thing? I’ve never seen a woman in this place since the Rossi brothers moved in.” She lowers her voice to a whisper. “To be honest before I actually saw Marco, I thought they were lovers but then?—”

“Zitta,” Giuseppe barks. “Clean the house and keep your mouth shut like you’re paid to do.”

She lifts a nonchalant shoulder like the scary beast didn’t just scare the living daylights out of her like he did me. “Don’t be so grumpy, Pepe.” Rolling her eyes, she drops her bags by the door and starts tidying up the space.

Which is nearly an impossible task since the place is already immaculate.

I follow her around for a bit, her fiery energy contagious. That and I’m just so dang bored. I notice there’s one door she purposely avoids which piques my curiosity. I’ll have to come back and explore when I’m alone later.

“I’m Maisy,” I finally say once we’re tucked away in a guestroom at the far corner of the penthouse. The walls are a pale pink, and a beautiful orchid sits atop the ornate dresser, its sweet scent lingering in the air.

“Nice to meet you, Miss Maisy, I’m Blanca from the beautiful island of Puerto Rico, housekeeper by day and aspiring actress extraordinaire by night.” She sings the last few words, and a giggle tumbles out.
