Page 53 of Brutal King

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“Just keep lying to yourself, little fox. One day it’ll grow tiresome. I know it has for me.” He spins on his heel and marches out of the bedroom.

My entire body lurches forward, and I draw in a steadying breath the moment he’s gone.

I finally emerge from my new bedroom a few hours later because judging by the sounds coming from my stomach, my insides are eating themselves. Tiptoeing down the hall, I’m ecstatic with myself for being able to put all my weight on my toes without wincing. If all goes well, by Monday I should be back at Palestra.

And not a moment too soon.

I need some space from the suffocating mob boss.

Speaking of… a familiar deep tenor echoes from the kitchen. I halt at the end of the hallway and peer around the wall. Nico sits at the marble island with a cell phone pressed to his ear.

“I told Qian I needed to think about it,” he growls at whoever’s on the other line. Another lengthy pause. “It’s not that simple, Marco.”

Ah, the elusive brother. As terrifying as it is to consider living with two Rossi’s I can’t help but be curious about Nico’s sibling. My stalker has been hanging around for weeks and still, I’ve never met his brother. It is weird.

“Yes, I understand what it could mean for us. I’m not stupid. I’m also not going to jump into an arrangement that would be extremely difficult to extricate myself from.”

What arrangement? I inch closer trying to put together a discussion from only half the conversation. My stomach lets out an embarrassing rumble, and Nico’s dark gaze spins in my direction.

“I have to go,” he mutters. “You’re not back until next week, right?” Nico’s brother must say yes because a relieved smile slips over the tense set of his jaw. “Good, see you then.” He pockets the phone and beckons me out of the shadows with one long finger. My thoughts instantly snap back in time to that wicked digit, and the multiple orgasms it persuaded out of me. “Come here, little fox, you sound hungry.” The rough edge to his tone speaks of a hunger I’m very familiar with. One in which I absolutely, positively refuse to satiate unless my Dante demands are agreed to.

I cross the distance between us slowly.

“I take it you met Blanca today?”

I nod.

“She picked up some food from Serafina’s before she left. It’s in the oven.” He ticks his head at the stainless-steel double oven which I’m certain was spotless even before Blanca walked in the door.

I will my lips to say I’m not hungry, but my stomach growls the instant he opens the oven door and the scent of garlic and fresh tomato sauce finds its way to my nostrils.

“Mmm, pizza,” I groan.

A chuckle parts his lips, bringing light to those deep azure irises. “I knew I’d wear you down eventually, little fox. I just never thought it would be pizza making you moan again.”

Heat flushes my cheeks and I tuck back my thumb and pinkie, holding up my three remaining fingers. “Read between the lines.”

“I can’t wait until you tell me to fuck off one day.” He hands me a plate and drops a slice of pizza on top. The mozzarella is still melty and gooey, and I’m practically salivating now.

“It’ll never happen.” I slide onto the barstool and take a big bite.

“We’ll see about that.” He inches his chair closer to mine so that his muscled thigh brushes my bare one. Even through his sweatpants, his heat permeates right through to my skin. Sweatpants? I glance down, completely unnerved by the sight.

I’ve never seen the great Nico Rossi in anything so casual. My gaze rakes down the soft gray pants and the clear outline of his?—

I jerk my eyes up as another flash of heat races up my neck and blossoms across my cheeks. Good lordy, living with this man will be the death of me.

“What was that call about?” I ask around another heaping mouthful.

“Nothing important.” His expression shutters, and I can practically see the icy mask slide back on.

There’s nothing I hate more. The few glimpses of the mobster’s true self he allows to slip through is what gets me every time. If he only let me in more often, I’d break. So maybe that mask isn’t just for him, maybe it’s best for both of us.



