Page 71 of Brutal King

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He clears his throat and runs his hand through the bristling spikes. “Yeah, it was time for a cut.”

My mouth twists into a frown. I’d spent more nights than I care to admit dreaming about running my fingers through those silky locks. I’m a little disappointed now that I finally can, they’re gone.

“You’re sleeping in my bed?” he mutters.

A prickle of unease skates up my spine, and I shrink beneath the covers. “Not exactly sleeping,” I whisper lamely. “I was waiting for you to get back.”

“Mmm. I see.” He steps through the threshold and stalks toward me.

That ache between my legs ratchets up as he looms dangerously at the edge of the bed.

“Why are you wearing sunglasses at night?”

“One of the Puerto Ricans roughed me up, and my eyes are a little swollen. I didn’t want to scare you…”

My brows twist as I regard him. “Are you okay?”

His head dips. “I’m fine.”

“What about Marco?”

“Yeah, my asshole brother is just fine. He’s about to get what’s coming to him though.”

I inch back at the sinister edge to his tone. “What does that mean?”

“Nothing, don’t worry about it.” He crawls onto the bed, the mattress dipping beneath his weight. His hand snakes around the back of my neck, and he jerks my mouth an inch from his. “Now I want you to make all this shit worth my while. Show me exactly what I’m getting in exchange for everything I gave up.”

I swallow hard, something about his tone, his very demeanor not right. All Nico’s wanted since the first day was to give me pleasure. He’s never once been selfish about his needs.

His mouth captures mine, tongue pushing its way between my teeth. The pungent scent of whiskey lingers on his breath, a taste I’ve never associated with him. I try to settle into the familiar groove, but everything is all wrong. He settles over me, the kiss becoming more punishing as he presses me into the mattress. His muscled abs are nearly crushing as he spreads my legs and fits himself between my thighs.

“Nico, slow down,” I murmur against his teeth.

“Why? I thought you liked it rough, Red.”

Red? My entire body goes rigid.

The front door whips open, and the slam of thick timber against the wall vibrates across the penthouse. “Marco, where the fuck are you?” A familiar voice echoes down the hallway as rushed footsteps pound closer.

“Marco?” I glance up at the man pawing at me, and ice rushes my veins. No, no, no. It can’t be.

Nico bursts into the room, and I can just make out his murderous glare from over his brother’s shoulder. His mother trucking twin brother. How could Nico not share that rather important detail?

“Oh, my gawd!” I try to wriggle out from beneath Marco, a swirl of embarrassment and anger pummeling my insides.

“You motherfucker!” Nico lunges and rips his brother off me, easily tossing him to the floor. “How dare you touch her?”

“I had to see what all the fuss was about, fratello. Maybe if I had a taste, I wouldn’t care about revenge anymore either.”

“Are you drunk?” he roars.

“I may have stopped at a bar for a few hours after you sent me home like a disobedient child.” A wicked grin parts his lips, and rage erupts across Nico’s face.

He drops to the floor, and the crack of bones smashing into each other sends me scrambling to the foot of the bed. He has Marco pinned to the carpet, throwing punches again and again. The dark sunglasses sit broken across the room.

“Nico!” I shout. “Stop!”

“How could you, you bastardo?” He throws another punch, and Marco’s head bounces against the rug.
