Page 84 of Brutal King

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“Nico would never hurt me either, Rose.”

“Well, yeah, sure because he’s like obsessed with you.” I can practically hear her eyeroll over the phone.

“Can you please just let us up? I’m sure you can find a way to convince Dante,” I grit out.

“Fine, put Mickey back on.”

I hand the beefy guard his phone and a moment later, we’re riding the sleek elevator up to the penthouse.

Nico glares at me from across the lift, his back pressed against the smooth metal walls.

“You can stop giving me the evil eye, Nico Rossi.” I slap my hands on my hips and glare right back at him. “It’s time to end this feud once and for all. Unless you’re backing out on our deal?”

“It’s too fucking late for that,” he growls. “I’m already hopelessly addicted to that sweet little pussy.” The glimmer of a smile lights up his murderous gaze.

“Good.” I creep closer and slide my hand down his slacks, closing my fingers around his crotch.

He lets out a satisfying groan and immediately hardens in my palm. “Mmm, little fox. Are you trying to make me come in this elevator?”

“Would it put you in a better mood?”

“Fuck yes.”

I shoot him a wicked smirk as I run my hand up and down his length. “How about this? You play nice with Dante and Rose, and I’ll let you do whatever you want to me on the ride home in the car.”

His hand wraps around my throat, thumb gently stroking the indentation in my neck. A flicker of excitement has stars exploding across those deep azure orbs. “Anything?”

I lick my lips and nod as that excitement bleeds into me.

“You have a deal, Miss Maisy.” His mouth captures mine, tongue lashing against my own in a heated kiss as his fingers tighten around my throat. As if his kiss didn’t already make me breathless and weak in the knees.

The elevator doors glide open, and I extricate my hand from his pants. Nico groans his disapproval as I run my fingers through my hair in a vain effort to tame the wild locks. Another dark-suited guard stands in the hallway in front of Dante’s door. He eyes me, then Nico, and his lips curl into a grimace. Still, his free hand, the one not holding a gun, wraps around the door handle, and he holds it open for us without a word.

Nico grabs my hand and jerks me to his side as we cross the threshold into the super modern penthouse. Dante and Rose stand by the kitchen island, mirroring our pose with Rose tucked into her intimidating husband’s side. Now that I’m in the same room with the half-brothers, I start to see the family resemblance—the dark, wavy hair, the strong jaws, and high cheek bones. Even their piercing stares are similar except Dante’s blazing irises are a bottomless midnight instead of the brilliant blue. Not to mention they’re both dangerously gorgeous.

My friend eyes me, then snags her bottom lip between her teeth, and I can practically see the indecision warring along her brow. A long moment later, she digs her elbow into Dante’s side, and he releases her with a grunt of annoyance.

Rose sprints toward me and I wrench myself out of Nico’s hold, meeting her halfway. Her long, slender arms wrap around me, and I sink into her embrace. “I’m so sorry,” she murmurs against my ear. “I’ve been a total bitch and a horrible friend.”

“No, I’m sorry. I never should’ve lied to you about Nico. I was just so confused and embarrassed…”

“I would have been embarrassed too,” Dante mutters under his breath, “to be associated with that man.”

“Fuck you, Dante,” Nico growls. “Like Rose hit the jackpot with you, psycho?”

“Enough.” I release Rose and take a step back toward Nico before the two morons really start to go at it. “We came here to apologize.”

Dante’s eyes widen to the size of twin bottomless onyx moons. “Come again?”

Nico tenses beside me, every muscle in his body as taut as a bowstring. I tangle my fingers through his and give him a reassuring smile. “Please,” I whisper.

He looses an exasperated breath and grits out through clenched teeth, “The Geminis are no longer at war with the Kings.”

“Oh, how kind of you, brother. Sure, now that King Industries has secured the commissioner’s deal you don’t have a leg to stand on?—”

“Dante,” Rose hisses. “Just be quiet for once and hear him out.”

I throw my friend an appreciative smile. If it weren’t for us level-headed women, these insufferable beasts would throttle each other with their bare hands.
