Page 90 of Brutal King

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“Oh, is it?” His mismatched eyes are bloodshot, a haunted look carved into his disturbingly familiar countenance. There’s been something I’ve wanted to ask him since his babysitting duties began, but I just hadn’t gathered the nerve. I should just get it out now. This way if it gets awkward, Rose’s arrival will be a built-in distraction.

I creep closer to the kitchen island, summoning my nerves. Marco leans against the counter as the fancy schmancy coffee maker churns up an espresso.

“Can I ask you something?” I blurt.

He reaches for the small cup of coffee and takes a big gulp. “Shoot.”

“The other day when you came back from Puerto Rico, and you kissed me and stuff…” I nibble on my bottom lip as heat swarms up my neck. “Would you have gone all the way if I’d allowed it?”

His eyes taper at the edges, full lips twisting into a pout. Flashes of those lips, or rather Nico’s lips, an identical version, sail through my mind. A long moment of silence descends between us, and a part of me wishes Rose would just barge in already. “That’s a no,” he finally answers. “I was just trying to fuck around. I wouldn’t have actually fucked you. When Nico and I were kids, we used to do that shit all the time. We’d drive our teachers nuts and our adoptive parents hated it when we tricked them.” He shrugs. “I guess old habits die hard.” He drops the tiny espresso cup on the counter and slides it toward the sink. “In retrospect, it probably wasn’t the right thing to do.”

“Ya think?” I exclaim.

He drags his palm over the back of his neck. “Like I said, I didn’t realize you two were serious. When we were teens, we’d occasionally hook up with each other’s girls, just for fun. We even had a threesome once?—”

I lift my hand, nausea unfurling in my gut. “I really don’t want to hear about you and your twin gangbanging some girl.”

A wicked chuckle parts his lips, and I get a glimpse of the man Nico had described. “If you ever change your mind, I can probably talk my brother into it?—”

“No!” I squeal.

Another dark laugh. “I can see why he fell for you, Maisy. There’s something sweet and innocent about you, something men like us don’t often get the pleasure of indulging in.”

I’m not sure if I should be insulted or flattered by that kind-of compliment. Luckily, I’m spared having to answer because Rose barrels into the apartment at that moment.

“Ooh, nice digs, Mais!” She wraps me into a hug, her eyes flitting over my shoulder as she takes in the sophisticated space. “At least your psycho stalker has good taste in décor.”

Marco emerges from the kitchen, and Rose’s eyes nearly fall out of her head.

“Holy shit,” she hisses. “I know you told me they were identical but that is freaky.”

“Hello to you too.” Marco has another cup of coffee clenched in his fist as he scrutinizes his (half?) sister-in-law. “How did my psychotic half-brother manage to snag a girl like you?”

“I’m not as nice as I look.” She tosses him a savage smile, and I can’t help the laugh from bubbling out.

“I bet,” he murmurs as he takes a sip of the coffee and turns for the hall. “You two behave, I’ll be in my room.”

“Will do.”

“I thought you said he was the fun one?” Rose whisper-hisses the moment his footsteps fall away.

I lead Rose into the living room and plop down on the crushed velvet couch. “I guess he was until Dante dropped the daddy bombshell.”

Hurried steps resound down the hall, and Blanca appears pushing the housekeeping cart. “Adios, chica. I’m done for the day. I’ll see you the day after tomorrow, unless I don’t, and then you’ll know that means I got the part!”

“Good luck—er, I mean break a leg,” I call out.

The moment the door slams behind her, I settle into the couch and turn to Rose. “I can’t wait for Jasper to be out of my life for good so I can just nonchalantly walk out of my own apartment.”

“My?” Rose waggles her brows. “So is this living situation with Nico permanent?” For once, she doesn’t seem completely disgusted by the mere mention of his name.

Heat races across my cheeks. “We haven’t exactly discussed it, but he’s always alluding to the fact. He’s even told Marco to find his own place.”

“That does sound serious.”

A stupid grin stretches across my face. “The last thing I wanted was to jump into another relationship, but I don’t know… it just feels right.”

Rose shrugs, a knowing smile creasing the corners of her lips. “When you know, you know.”
