Page 98 of Brutal King

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“Okay, I’ll do it. I’ll apologize, I’ll do whatever you want.” He squirms beneath me like a little rat.

I squeeze my thighs harder around his hips to keep him from squirming. “First, I want you to confess your sins. Tell me everything you ever did to that woman.”

He blanches, his chest rising and falling as the perspiration multiplies across his brow. “You can’t be serious?”

“One-hundred-fucking-percent.” I wrap my fingers around his throat and apply a little pressure. “Now start.”

His eyes bulge as he watches me, and my fingers tighten. “Okay, okay,” he chokes out. “I was a terrible husband. I ignored her, degraded her, I treated her more like a possession than a wife, sometimes I even hit her when I got angry… are you happy?”

On the contrary, I’m about a second away from snapping his scrawny neck. I draw in a deep breath, trying to maintain the mask of calm. I need to separate myself from the situation or his punishment will be over before it really begins.

Maybe I’ll capture his confession along with his apology on video to send to Maisy later. She’s a bit squeamish and might not enjoy all the blood though. I reach for my phone, deciding to film now and decide later.

Five missed calls.

And a video message.

Fuck. I glance at the number, and ice surges through my veins.

Maisy’s face appears on the screen, and I press the playback button, my finger trembling.

Tears roll down her face, and a dark bruise mars her cheek. “Nico, please, come get me.”

That fury ignites, blazing through every inch of me. “What the fuck?” I roar.

Max is at my side a moment later as the image of Maisy switches to that of a smiling Qian.

“I told you that you made the wrong decision, Rossi.” The camera pans out revealing a hooded male with a knife pressed to Maisy’s throat. Then the view switches to Qian. “Marry my sister or watch your whore die.”

“Merda!” I growl and slam the phone to the floor. It bounces off the carpet and hits Jasper in the face.

A bitter laugh rasps out of his bloodied mouth. “Uh, oh, looks like you’re the one that hurt Maisy this time.”

Uncontrollable rage rushes my being, and the corners of my vision darken. My hand finds the knife at my side, and I plunge it into Jasper’s crotch. His scream echoes around the room, the shriek only aggravating the monster I keep buried deep inside.

I rip the blade out and clean it on the carpet as blood pools between his legs. “Sorry, old friend, I wish I could stay longer, but this is the end of the road for you. I have to go save the woman I love.”

“That’s laughable—” A choked cry erupts through his lips as I drag the knife across his throat. I wait for only a few seconds, watching as the life drains from his pale blue eyes. I wish I could have tortured him for hours, so that he got what he truly deserved for hurting Maisy, but fucking Qian ruined everything. Now he’ll pay too.

Inhaling a deep breath, I allow the icy calm to take over. I need a clear mind for what comes next.

The door to the hotel room squeaks open, and Jimmy fills the entrance. “Perfect timing,” I snarl. “Cut off his head and meet me at Qian’s warehouse. I’ve got another trophy to claim today.”




“Let go of her, you asshole!” Rose’s scream echoes through the dim alleyway.

My heart thunders in my chest, a mad pounding vibrating through every inch of my being. A masked man holds me down against the asphalt, while another flashes a phone a few inches from my face, videotaping the whole thing. A crack lances across my cheek, and a scream sneaks through my gritted teeth.

“That’s enough,” says the man with the phone. He shoves it into his pocket then drags me off the floor.

From the corner of my eye, I can just make out Rose being hauled into a car by two masked men at the end of the alley. A minute later, the males toss me into the backseat beside her, shove something into my mouth, and drop a hood over my head.

I’m trembling by the time I feel Rose next to me.
