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“No, Grandma,” I tell her. “I’ll do this for… for ten more years if I need to!”

Mom laughs in that special way she has like she’s proud of me or something. She looks over at Dad. He’s talking with one of the people from home. After shaking hands with him, he turns to Mom. He has this really bright, love-filled look on his face. Itmakes me feel safe somehow, knowing Dad loves her so much and loves us so much.

He walks over, big, tall, and strong, with his hair a little more silver than dusky, shining in the sun. “Is she turning you into a statue, huh?” he says, winking at me.

I laugh. Dad’s always the best at making us laugh. Joey is standing next to him, being as quiet as possible. Before we came here, I said if he made any noise,he’dhave to stand still in the painting instead. That would’ve been hilarious. Joey hates standing still and not talking.

“It’s okay, Daddy,” I say. “I’m doing Mommy a favor.”

Dad grins at me, then at Grandma. “You okay, Ma?”

“I could stay out here all day,” she says, touching my arm. “Especially with my little bodyguard.”

That makes me feel really good, and I puff myself up.

“What about you?” Dad looks down at Joey, eyes narrowed.

“Yeah…” Mom laughs. “Jo-Jo, you’re being suspiciously quiet.”

Joey glances at me, and I grin.

“Uh, am not,” he says, then slams his mouth shut.

I almost start going crazy laughing then. It’s like in class when you shouldn’t, but the laughter’s going to burst out no matter what. I try to close my mouth really hard to stop it, but then I can’t help it. I burst out laughing, and then Grandma joins in.

“What is it?” Dad says, grinning.

“Oh, I don’t know whathe’slaughing at, but look at little Marco’sface.”

I end up falling to the ground, laughing so hard, my hands on my stomach. Dad chuckles and comes over, scooping me up like I’m still a little kid. “What’s so funny, eh, champ?”

When I tell Dad what I said to Joey, he laughs, shaking his head.

“He’s just teasing you, little man,” Dad says.

Joey grins at me. “Oh, I’ll get ya back!”

He jumps on me and starts wrestling. Grandma is still laughing. Me and Joey roll around on the floor, and then Lucky Lucy makes a sound. Everybody stops.

“Did she just…” Grandma says.

“No,” Mom says, looking down at Lucy. “Did she?”

“She did,” Dad says.

“Baby sislaughed!” Joey yells, clapping his hands. “She did. I heard. Did you, Marco? You did, yeah?”

“I did,” I tell him. “That’s so cool. One more person to laugh at my jokes!”

For some reason, that makes us all laugh even more. The sun shines down so brightly.

