Page 32 of Lovin' on Red

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He moved her in front of him and placed his hands on her shoulders, happy when she didn’t object. “Your feet are jingling,” he said playfully.

“Yeah, no sneaking around tonight. Where are we going?” She stared straight ahead.

He guided her to the hall. “Back of the house. Whichever room has the back door.”

Her shoulders bunched under his hands, steps slow as molasses. “What’s this about?”

Now she’d stopped altogether. Rory swiveled her around to face him. He couldn’t let her renege when they were so close to a solution. “I need you to trust me.”

Vi’s eyes widened. “Trust isn’t my strong suit.”

“I know.” Rory understood, even if the why-factor eluded him. “Please? I have your best interests at heart.”

Her shoulders drooped even further. “Okay. Show me the secret.” Her lack of enthusiasm warred with her cheerful holiday outfit.

He took her hand, lest she bolt, and led her the rest of the way. Opening the door, he switched on the light and then guided her in. The kennel sat on the floor between the bed and the dresser. Letting go of Vi, he kneeled to unhook the latch. “Come, Cyrus.”

The majestic dog unfolded himself. Cautiously, he slipped out the wire mesh door and stretched first one leg, then the other.

“Cyrus, meet Vi.” Rory pointed to her.

The dog obediently padded over to where Vi stood. Rory’s mouth turned up as astonishment leaked from every pore in her body.

He commanded in a low voice. “Sit.” The dog sat. “Shake hands.” Cyrus raised a paw.

With a hand over her mouth, Vi gently shook Cyrus’s paw. She looked at Rory, a hundred questions in her eyes. “Wh-wh-what is this dog doing here?”

Rory’s smile became a full-blown grin at her stammer. So un-Vi-ish. If nothing else, he’d managed the surprise part.

“Can I … will he let me pet him?” Without waiting for an answer, she clumsily maneuvered her walking boot to the floor to sit next to the regal dog. Cyrus gazed at her, his golden-brown eyes sad.

Satisfied Vi was acting more herself, Rory said, “Lay down, Cyrus.” The dog immediately lay on his belly.

Vi stroked his back, murmuring soothing words Rory couldn’t quite make out. A negative sensation snaked through his insides.

Yeah. Okay. He was jealous of a four-legged animal. Rory arranged his leg to a more comfortable position. Once situated, he cleared his throat. “Cyrus belonged to Manny. He’s trained to protect, but Rosa feared him. When I mentioned I might know a person who would use the dog, she begged me to take him.” The way Vi gazed at him made his breath hitch. “Cyrus would solve your need for a walking buddy. He’ll protect you with his life.”

Vi inhaled sharply, her hand stilled on Cyrus. “You brought this dog back to be my bodyguard when I walk around the lake?” Her eyes pierced him.

Uh oh. Major backfire. Rory held his hands up. “If you hate the idea, I can take him to a K9 refuge in Houston …”

When she continued to stare at him, Rory looked away, disappointment biting hard.

Vi rose, knee-walking to where he sat. Her fingers grasped his chin as she turned his head to face her.

“Are you serious? This beautiful creature is mine to take on walks whenever I want?”

The hope in her eyes gave him courage. “Yes. Exactly.”

Her mouth fell open. The next thing he knew, Vi tackled him in a ferocious hug. Rory wrapped his arms around her and held on, enjoying every second of her closeness. Finally, she pulled away with a dazed look.

“Sorry. I got carried away.” The words were breathy. Her cheeks flamed. Backing up hastily, she sat by the dog.

“I’m not sorry at all,” Rory reassured her. Her hug had made him a little woozy. His heart flopped, like a fish on the bottom of a boat.

With effort, he kept himself from grabbing her for another hug. “If you want to keep him, we’ll have to work out the logistics.”

“Okay.” Her instant compliance boded well. “Let’s get comfy.” She scooted farther away.
