Page 7 of Lovin' on Red

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“That’s what she was doing when I walked through the door? Resting?” Her mom’s perfectly tinted brows mocked him. “Who are you?”

“Rory Spence. And you are …?”

“Tru Marshall. What line of work are you in, Rory?” His name jerked from her mouth.

“Mo-ther!” Vi’s face pinked, objection rolling off each syllable.

Bring it, Mom. He’d had plenty of practice with aggressive females.

“I’ll be glad to tell you over a cup of coffee, ma’am. Guaranteed to taste terrible, unless the in-house coffee shop is open, but Vi needs to rest.” Rory had spent a couple of years perfecting friendly-no-wiggle-room negotiator-speak. It’d be worth every dreary meeting if it worked now.

Though Tru still wore an irritated expression, Rory walked around the bed to stand by her. When she turned slightly in his direction, he gave a silent cheer. Her I’m-in-charge perfume argued with the antiseptic smell of the room.

Nothing else to do but go for it. Rory edged toward the door, inclining his head. A delicate balance of courtesy and suggestion remained crucial.

Suspicion in her narrowed gaze, Mother huffed and marched toward the door, high heels stabbing the floor. “Coffee will do.”

Dare he touch her? What if Vi got the hands-off attitude from her? The words of his father replayed in his mind. There are times, Rory, you have to take a risk. Zero risk, zero-gain.

Rory gently took Mom’s elbow and glanced back at Vi. Her head turned sideways, she gazed at him, her rose-petal lips opening in a small O. He winked and ushered the woman out the door.

Five minutes hadn’t passed when the door swooshed open again. “Mija, you’re awake!” Paige entered, her black boots click-clacking across the floor. She swathed Vi in a careful hug. “How are you?”

Vi’s eyes filled with tears. If only she could bat away these blasted emotions. “I’m fine. A little banged up.” She hurt all over. “What happened, Paige? Mother came, and I couldn’t even tell her why I was here.”

“Yes, I saw them in the hall?—”

“Why was Rory here?” Vi couldn’t keep the tartness out of her voice. No one else needed to know about their kiss. It was embarrassing enough Mother caught them as if they were a couple of teenagers. Shadowy memories of high school days poked into the present. She shifted uncomfortably, her lips still tingling.

Paige’s dark eyes widened. “Rory and I took shifts so you wouldn’t be alone. Only when my turn rolled around, he wouldn’t leave. He paced the hall and drank coffee. What do you remember?”

Vi’s eyes squeezed shut. This morning happened ages ago. “Uh, I needed space, so I drove out to the house and walked outside. I heard puppies … there were bees. I ran … and fell into the old cistern Daddy boarded up years ago.” A shiver raked through her body. She reached for another blanket.

Paige helped her unfold it, then tucked her in. “We got worried when you didn’t return. Rory left to search for you, then he climbed down and injected you with an EpiPen.”

The ache spread to a dull roar in Vi’s head. “What? How did he know?”

“Rory found you first, then saw the bees. He called to ask if you were allergic, but he’d already put it together.”

“Rory?” Vi couldn’t imagine the man being useful in a practical sense. Well, he scooted Mother out of the room. That kiss … She looked through the blinds. City lights dotted the darkness.

Paige’s voice rose. “The paramedics said his quick actions saved your life.”

“Surely, it wasn’t that bad.” Even as the words left her mouth, Vi knew the truth. Her parents had lectured her about the seriousness of anaphylactic shock ever since she could remember.

“Mija, they had to give you oxygen down in that awful hole.” Paige’s voice shook, tears sliding down her cheeks.

Vi grasped her hands. “I’m okay now, Paige.” The sterile room grew smaller by the second. None of this would have happened if she hadn’t run off this morning.

They were both silent, contemplating the unthinkable alternative. Vi shook her head weakly. She had to move forward. Think about anything but Rory Spence. Then she remembered her idea. “Who knows about remodeling? I finally figured out what I want to do. Updating my house is the first step.”

Amusement crept into the other woman’s expression.

“What? Do you know a consultant?” What made this funny?

A snicker escaped before Paige covered her mouth. “Yes, mija. I know the perfect person. You know him too.”

“I do? Someone from church?” Her current brain fog rendered her thinking capacity to soggy leaves and dirt.
