Page 86 of Lovin' on Red

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The last puzzle piece snapping into place, Vi knew what her most recent dream meant. It had been a vision of Daddy, all those years ago, praying for her on a dark, demon-filled night. His letter explained the inadequacy he felt, and his determination to pray anyway.

Vi sighed in pure contentment. Rory’s deep voice rumbled beside her as he answered the doctor’s questions.

Daddy fought for her that day … so she could have this day.

It was enough, Daddy. More than enough.


Five months later

Rory sat on the bench at the foot of the king-sized bed, unbuttoned his dress shirt, and laid it aside.

Vi came from the bathroom, the color leached from her face. She walked to where he sat and rubbed his bare shoulders. He drew her closer and kissed her. She tasted like minty mouthwash.

He gently tucked a long strand of hair behind her ear. “You’re going to get through this, Mrs. Spence.” It thrilled him that she shared his name.

Her eyes rolled to the ceiling. “Looking forward to it.” Scooping her hair to one side, she presented her back to him. “Button me up?”

“Love all these hard jobs you give me.” Rory fingered the lacy buttons and stroked the tat between her shoulders. “The hummingbird needs a maintenance check by yours truly. You need to be still.” He affected an innocent tone, delighted his touch made her shiver.

Vi snorted. “As if you didn’t do it on purpose.”

Her fragrance intoxicated him. He’d finally learned the proper name of the scent. As long as he lived, he’d always associate lavender with Vi.

Fastening the last button into place, he patted her hip. She turned into him again, her eyes soft and dreamy. “What’s the menu for tonight’s party?”

“Tavo is grilling chicken and beef fajitas as we speak.” Rory hid a smile. The tiniest whiff of sausage would send her back to the bathroom for the rest of the evening. “Catered side dishes, dessert, and I made mashed potatoes for you.” He grinned at her look of relief.

Dishes clattered downstairs. At her questioning look, he said, “Paige and Brenna are setting up.”

She ducked her head. “Sorry. I’ve been out of it.”

Rory’s arms wrapped around her waist. “Be patient with yourself, Red. I’ve loved every minute of taking care of you and getting your nest fixed up.”

Shortly after he’d proposed, Vi had told him she wouldn’t live in the mess Stella had made of his townhouse. He’d wholeheartedly agreed, but it didn’t leave many options. So he’d pulled out every stop, called in every favor, and created several more to hasten the remodel of her childhood home. At first, they’d camped out in the upstairs bedroom and bath. Last week, the downstairs had been finished.

Their friends had insisted on a housewarming.

“I’ve got news to tell you before we go down.” A twinkle hovered behind Vi’s pale blue eyes. “Here,” she reached for the gray polo shirt lying on the bed. “Put this on so I can concentrate.” She playfully smooched his cheek. “All those bench presses make for a great view, Mr. Shoulders-of-the-Year.”

Rory thrust his head and arms through the shirt, radiating with gratefulness. Since their wedding night, his wife had made it very clear she found him physically attractive, an issue he’d struggled with since the amputation.

She smoothed his collar. “You know Mom took me to my doctor’s appointment this morning?—”

“Yeah, how’d it go? Did it ease the strain between you two for not letting her plan a monstrous wedding? You said it would help.”

“Yes,” Vi’s lips pursed. “I think all is forgiven. Not quite how I expected though.” The crease deepened between her brows.

Rory’s stomach launched into a whirly-gig routine. “What did the doctor say? Is everything okay with you and the baby?”

The corners around Vi’s eyes relaxed a bit. “It’s all fine. It’s … I couldn’t help it, Rory.”

“Help what, Vi?” Rory’s voice had risen a notch.

A slight lump traveled up and down her creamy throat. “I wanted you to know before Mother?—”

Vi paused, her eyes luminous. She slowly held up two fingers.
