Page 87 of Lovin' on Red

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A bright light split through Rory’s lack of comprehension.

“What? Two … babies? … twins!” he sputtered incredulously.

At her slight nod, he stood and picked her up, twirling her around in a dance. “For sure? There’s no mistake?”

Breathless, she said, “No mistake. Two heartbeats, clear as day. Mother heard it all, but I still wish it had been you with me.”

He sat, tugging her onto his knee. “I get it. Mom being the first to know doesn’t hurt a bit.” His lips stretched from ear to ear as he hugged her. “I’m so hyped I can’t even think straight.”

She gripped his shoulders, eyes glistening with tears. “You’re going to be a daddy, twice over.”

He tucked her into his chest as if she might break. “And you, Vi. You get two babies to love on.” His thoughts spinning, he glanced at her pinched brow. “What’s wrong?”

She leaned deeper into him. “You have to help me, Rory. My other pregnancy was so … horrendous … I get scared.” Her troubled eyes tore at him. “Scared I’ll get sick again … afraid the babies won’t be healthy … afraid I won’t get to keep them.” She buried her face in his shirt.

“Don’t listen to any of it.” He stroked her hair. “We’re keeping these babies. And you’ll have a better pregnancy this time because you’re happy. None of the stressors you dealt with before factor into your life now. It will make a tremendous difference.”

Rory’s heart ached for her. Vi still struggled with allowing her first baby to be adopted.

“My turn to give you news.” He lifted her, stretched his leg, and settled her back on his knee. “I … um … spoke to your mom at length at the wedding, then again this morning when she picked you up. She’s contacted the adoptive parents of Thomas?—”

Vi’s jaw dropped at the news. “Is that even legal? How did she manage?”

One side of Rory’s mouth twitched with humor. “At our reception, I broached the subject, and she flat-out said it was impossible. Then Rodney, bless his contacts and his clout, told her any sealed record can be unsealed. Once he said that, I knew she would find a way.”

Vi’s sigh ended in a snort. “No surprise there.” She waved a hand. “Go on …”

“Thomas’s parents have given permission for you to write to him—” Rory paused at her look of shock. “And, when Thomas initiates the idea, they’re cautiously open to him meeting you. You understand?” He searched her face. “It must be Thomas’s idea. Acknowledging you as his biological mother is hard for them. If Thomas wants it, however, they’re willing, for his sake. He’s the key. And it seems he’s always been curious about his birth parents.”

Tears ran unchecked down Vi’s cheeks. Rory cupped her face in his hands. “I can only imagine what this means to you, love, but we can’t rush it. All parties must agree. And they don’t call him Thomas. They named him Trevor.”

Vi wrapped her arms around him. “I don’t care what his name is. I only want to meet my son. Thank you. There aren’t words …” Her lips found his.

When the kiss deepened, Rory reluctantly pulled away. “If you keep kissing me like that, we’re skipping the party.”

Her fingers massaged the back of his neck. The aroma of grilled chicken wafted through the ceiling. “Nope. You get to tell everybody we’re having twins. The news about Thomas, um, Trevor, can wait. I want to enjoy this gift with you and Mom for a while.”

Rory’s insides uncoiled. Her response promised everything he’d hoped for.

Vi sat as far away from the kitchen as possible with a bowl of mashed potatoes. Cyrus rested at her feet. The dog had accosted each guest at the door and performed a sniff check—apparently, everyone passed inspection. Silas hadn’t shown up. He’d not been around much since that night at the lake when Cyrus bit him. Vi frowned. Surely, he knew the dog was protecting her. One good thing that came from the fire had been the exodus of the squatters. Permanently, she hoped. It didn’t hurt that Tavo still had security patrols swing by regularly.

Vi took another bite of the buttery treat. It seemed years instead of months ago she’d missed Thanksgiving dinner. Since then, she hadn’t been able to get enough of Rory’s famous mashed potatoes. Or him.

Close by, Rory held a hand next to his mouth, as if telling Jesse a big secret. “Jess, I highly recommend the state of matrimony. You’re going to love it,” he stage-whispered.

Jesse wore a look of long-suffering. “Brenna and I are tying the knot next month, Ro. You’re the one who got in a big hurry.”

Rory smirked in agreement. “You bet I did. Once she said yes, I moved like greased lightning before she changed her mind.”

“Said the man who proposed wearing a hospital gown,” Jesse teased.

Vi’s insides fluttered. She wouldn’t trade her small private wedding for anything. Last March she and Rory, surrounded by their closest friends, stood on a freshly painted, beribboned boardwalk and said their vows. A carpet of pink, orange, and blue wildflowers dotted the landscape, and turtles sunned on the lake’s shore.

The cool, sunny day was perfect. Until Cyrus decided the goose wasn’t allowed and gave chase. For his part, Harry had created enough racket to put the ceremony on hold. Finally, Rory did his alpha-thing, retrieved the dog, and ordered him to stand next to Jesse as canine best man.

Vi’s thoughts riveted to the present as Tavo sauntered over, inches taller than Jesse and Rory, who were by no means short. “Gotta go to work, bro. The grill’s still warm. Okay if I pick it up tomorrow?”

“You know it’s fine, Chief. Excellent job on the meat—your trademark melt-in-the-mouth style wins every time.” Rory saluted with two fingers. Tavo’s eyes trailed off toward the kitchen, and he walked away without a word. Jesse and Rory exchanged meaningful looks. Vi angled to see into the kitchen, but Tavo’s frame blocked her view. She settled back into her chair, content to listen.
