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“Is that why you got so angry you wanted to run her through with your blades? Because it was an accident? The way I hear it—”

“Yes, yes,” Will interjected, “I lost my temper and almost took her life. It’s what I do. I know everyone talks about it and shames me for it.”

“I wouldn’t shame you for it,” Marian said. “Anger is useful.”

“Not all the time.”

He was more self-aware than I’d previously known.

“True enough. But I’m sure I could find a way to lessen the rage. Find a way to . . . settle your nerves?”

Will Scarlet frowned. “What are you asking of me, woman? Speak plainly.”

“I’m telling you to fuck me,” Marian drawled, putting her hands on her hips.

A pause. My heart hammered, though I couldn’t explain why.

“I’m not interested,” Will said. “Besides, Friar Tuck seems to have you rather tied up.”

Marian sighed. “Tuck hasn’t tied me up in many days now, sadly. You seemed quite interested just a week ago.”

“That was a week ago.”

“What’s changed since then?”

Will glanced away from her piercing gaze, saying nothing. Is that a tint of pink to his cheeks?

Marian took charge, dominant woman that she was. “I see. The girl has you wrapped up in her pretty cunt. Like everyone else in this godforsaken camp.”

I put a hand to my mouth to resist gasping and giving myself away.

“No one has me wrapped around them, Marian. Least of all that little thorn in my ass. She hates me. I prefer if she keeps it that way.”

My forehead creased with wrinkles. What an odd thing to say. Why does he want me to hate him?

“Aye, well, you can’t hide the flush of your cheeks when I mention her, either, boy. You can deny yourself all you want, but you can’t lie to me. I know the truth.”

“Will all due respect, Marian, I sincerely doubt you know much of anything, other than how to use what’s between your legs to your advantage.”

She laughed, high and mighty, and shook her head. “You’re an incorrigible, spiteful little child, Will Scarlet. I’ll take my leave of you, so you can practice”—she made a circular motion with her hand in front of her—“whatever the hell this is.”

“Much obliged, Maid Marian.”

With that, Marian shook her head, turned around, and headed toward the trees.

I ducked completely behind the trunk, hiding myself fully, and listened to her mutter to herself as she passed.

I wasn’t sure when or how it happened, but halfway through that dialogue my jealousy had dissipated and been replaced by . . . a competitive spirit? The want for Will Scarlet to get one over on that hostile harlot?

It was hard to understand. My emotions were all over the place.

“You can come out now, little thorn.”

I froze, body tensing.

“Yes, you, Robin,” Will Scarlet called out. “Behind the tree.”

Cursing myself, I slowly poked my head out. I gave him a sickly smile.
