Page 119 of Huntress of Sherwood

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I smiled behind her, tucking my head into the crook of her neck, kissing her nape. “Me too, love. I don’t ever want to miss it again.”

Chapter 35


Islept like the dead. Like the happiest, most content dead person who had ever died. Vaguely, I imagined if this was what death felt like—removed from all responsibilities, earthly worries, or struggles—then maybe it wasn’t so bad.

I felt protected and secure, on my side with Little John’s giant firm body curved along the contours of mine from behind.

Listening to the soft chirping of morningbirds and the gentle rush of the river nearby, a small smile cracked my lips while my eyes remained closed. Through the haze of my drifting dreams, I felt firmness of a different kind growing along my ass, until it prodded into the small of my back and throbbed with heat.

I hummed to myself and my smile widened. Eyes still closed, my hand reached back without needing any instructions from my mind, and I gripped the thick shaft of Little John. I slightly lifted my left leg and placed him between the warmth of my thighs, settling my leg down.

A small groan escaped John’s lips.

My hand moved to my front, where John jutted free between the juncture of my pressed thighs. I massaged the head of his huge, long cock. I worked his crown until my palm was sticky and smeared with his arousal.

In my ear, he whispered, “We’re never going to leave this tent, are we?”

“Not if I have anything to say about it,” I answered in a dreamlike voice raspy and low from disuse.

“Fine by me. A man could get used to waking up like this.”

To show me what he meant, John gave a slight thrust, protruding his cock further out from my thighs. My hand moved from his ridge to his shaft, stroking softly.

He let out another groan.

I lifted my leg lazily again, repositioned him, and this time when I closed my thighs his cock sank inside me. For a moment, it sat there, filling me with its width and length.

John couldn’t hold back for long. Within seconds he was gently rocking his hips back and forth, sliding his cock inside me.

Our lazy affair turned more urgent once the first moan passed through my lips. John put a hand on the dip between my ribs and hip, and gently pushed me forward.

I went onto my stomach. He rolled with me, on top of me, keeping himself lodged inside my aching, spread-full cunt the entire time we moved.

His hands framed my face to the left and right, fingers splayed wide to keep him planked above me. The veins along his muscular forearms bulged. His hulking body loomed over mine, with just enough pressure that he squished my breasts into the fabric of the cot, but not enough to flatten me.

Honestly, I would have taken a flattening just as much as a squishing. As long as he kept that big cock of his right where it was, curving just right and bringing out the most delectable sensations.

“There are two ways we can do this, little hope,” he said in the shell of my ear, kissing behind my lobe, which sent a tingle through me. “The hard way or the soft way.”

“Hard,” I moaned. “Hard, every time. I need you to wake me up, love, because we have a long day ahead of us.”

He grunted a sound of barely-held-back control. “I don’t want to be reminded of anything than what’s beneath me in this tent. Certainly don’t want to be reminded about the day.”

I snickered, but my voice cut off when he slammed down into me and sent a shockwave of lightning jagging through every inch of my body.

“Regardless . . . I think you chose the right choice, my star.”

With that send-off, he rolled his hips and drilled his cock deeper inside. His sheer strength nearly sent me sliding up along the cot. So he lowered himself from his hands to his elbows and forearms, strong chest creasing along my spine, and then wrapped one of his forearms around my neck to keep me in place.

And then he fucking destroyed me. Just as I’d asked.

The strong claps of his hips pelting into my fleshy ass rang out, yet all I could focus on was the size of him splitting me in half and filling every inch of my walls. He hit so deep I swore I could feel him in my stomach, and the waves of pleasure roiling through me became endless and constant.

I raised my ass—as much as I could—until the swell of my rear curved along his hips and thighs like the perfect answer to a puzzle. Moving like that gave him even better access, and the angle he punished me in drove me wild.

Pants and moans were forced from my lungs as the pressure on top of me built and the pressure inside of me boiled from a simmer.
