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Gray eyes lock with my gaze and something inside of me snaps into place at the same time my wolf howls so loud I’m surprised the room isn’t filled with the vibrations of it. The interest and curiosity I see in her eyes has me wishing I could take a step toward her.

But I can’t.

She’s human.

How can I protect a human Luna? How can she be what the pack needs? Is it possible that the Moon Goddess got it wrong this time after not delivering for so damn long?

I look at my sister and give her a stiff nod without acknowledging our guest. I see a look of hurt flit across Elodie’s face before I turn around and start to trudge back up the stairs. “I need to get back to work, I’ll see you at dinner,” I throw the words over my shoulder without looking back.

“What are you doing? You need to go back there and claim our mate,” my wolf is practically foaming at the mouth, but I hold tight to my control. If I give him even a little bit of an opportunity, we’ll be right back downstairs and pulling our mate in my arms. “If we lose her because of you, I’ll never forgive you.”

I believe him because with one look she’s everything I’ve ever wanted in a mate. Except for one thing.

“She’s human,” I point out to him as if he’s not fully aware of it.


Even as I walk back into my closet, I can feel the tug of her in my gut. My entire being wants to turn back around. But I can’t.

“I don’t give a fuck that she’s human, Crew,” my wolf insists. “We’re strong enough. The pack is strong enough. We will always protect her.”

With those words he retreats to the deepest and darkest part of my mind. I shake my head, only partially grateful for not having him yipping and howling in my head anymore. But his absence does nothing to help the headache pounding in my skull.

“She’s your mate, isn’t she?”

My Beta’s voice has me spinning around from where I was hunched over my desk with ragged breaths as I fight an internal battle I was never meant to win. Mayer is standing there watching me closely but with a neutral mask in place over his features. Knowing him he’s not happy about what just happened downstairs.

“She is,” I grunt. I try and explain my reaction by pointing out the obvious, “And she’s human. I can’t accept a human mate. What will the pack think? What will the other packs think? Golden Summit has never had a human Luna.”

Mayer is quiet for a long moment, and I can see the wheels turning in his mind. When he meets my eyes again, his voice is hard and determined and contains a hint of his wolf which tells me both sides of him are in agreement, “Her being human doesn’t mean she’s not my Luna.”

Before I can respond to him as my jaw drops open with the resolve and assuredness in his tone, he’s gone from my office. I’m left with nothing.

Not my Beta’s understanding.

Not my wolf’s support.

Not my mate at my side.

The void in my soul pulses as it expands, and I have no idea what to do about it.



Something is off. I have no idea what it is, but it’s so much bigger than the suspicious way everyone was acting yesterday since we arrived at Tilly’s house. I have no idea why I’m feeling the way I am, but it’s like something is missing. Something big.

It’s a feeling that started to gnaw at me from the moment Tilly’s brother turned tail and ran from the room yesterday. He was so gruff and seemed pissed that I was there. It felt like a knife to my chest when he walked out.

I wheezed out a breath and didn’t even realize when I was clutching my chest right where my heart was pounding. I’m sure my eyes were wide and wild when I turned toward Tilly hoping she had some sort of explanation for what had just taken place.

Eleanor’s voice was hesitant as she got up from her seat and took a step toward me, “Are you alright, Elodie?”

I turned toward her and blinked a few times to try and clear the fog that was surrounding me. “I don’t know,” my voice was hoarse like I’d been screaming for hours.

Before I knew what was happening, she wrapped her arms around me, and I sunk into the comfort of her hug. It didn’t make the feeling of the rug being pulled out from under me go away nor did it make me understand why I was feeling that way. Still, I wasn’t going to turn away her hug.

Tilly’s voice came from right next to us and I opened my eyes to find her close and looking at me with concern, “I’m so sorry about Crew.” My eyebrows furrowed together, and she explained my silent question as she waved her hand in the direction the man went, “My brother. He’s not normally rude to people like that. I don’t know what’s going on.”
