Page 53 of The Parolee

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“You can do what you want,” Torin said, and his voice was a warm seductive sound in my ear. “I’ll still hold you tighter, kiss you longer, fuck you harder. Because you’re the only thing in the world that matters. I love you. I love you. I love you, sister.”

My breath caught somewhere between a sob and a moan, and I felt my arms go around him, stretching across that broad width of his shoulders.

“I missed you,” I said, my words muffled in his neck. “I love you, Torin.”

And the low noise my brother made was eerie and positively feral in its intensity, the sound of a wild predator that had just caught its prey.

“Yes, yes, baby.”

And his hands were a tight bite on my hips, my back, my shoulders, and every place he touched felt like a sting and a burn because of how tightly he held me.

He moved one hand to brace against a tree and he fucked me as hard as he could, and the low hot wrong heat grew in my core as he nipped at my throat, my breasts, marking up my soft skin to show that he owned me and was going to do what he wanted to me.

Torin’s eyes were on me, greedy for the signs of my arousal, and he saw my breath flutter, my heartbeat pound as the pressure built and twisted in my cunt.

“That’s it, sister,” he said exultingly, crushing me, my hips aching, and he reached his other hand to my slippery wet clit, knowing just where to rub it to make me throw my head back, scraping my head on the trees and grass and pine needles as the pressure grew to an unbearable tightness and tension, and then he made it burst, and I groaned out his name as the pleasure flooded me, making me shriek and clutch at him as I rode my release, feeling the sweet wrong sensation of his groans reverberating through my chest as he released into me.

Chapter Eighteen

When we got back to the truck, Torin bent down, reaching under the car. The wind blew his dark hair over his collar, making my insides clench with an unavoidable affection and need for him.

“What are you looking for?” I asked.

For a moment, he didn’t answer, then he let out a grunt.

Standing up to his full height, he showed me a small electronic device.

“A tracker,” he said shortly. “That’s how they were following us.”

I gasped, a short, sharp intake of breath.


I felt a cold shiver of fear. What if Drew didn’t give up?

Torin threw the tracker down on the ground, then crushed it under his big boots, the electronic parts exploding in a crunch. Then he picked the pieces up and tossed them over the edge to the lake, the pieces so small they vanished in the windswept span of the sky and trees.

“Let’s go,” he said.

We headed back to the car, but Torin’s eyes were still scanning the road.

“I told you I wouldn’t go back and kill him,” he said, his disapproving tone indicating he found this promise to be onerous, “I made no promises about him coming to us.”

“No more unnecessary killing,” I said sharply. “I don’t want you going back to jail.”

“That’s good advice,” Torin said, and he pulled me to him, his big hand on the back of my neck, fingers curving over my throat, bringing me closer to kiss me. “I don’t know what I’d do without you, Lele.”

“I do,” I said tartly, although I felt a warm glow at his words of praise. “You’d do some dumb shit. I’m here now to make sure you don’t do anything stupid.”

“You’re such a good girl,” he continued, his big fingers stroking the curve of my jaw, touching my ear. “If I need to kill anyone else, I’ll let you help this time.”

“God, Torin, what the fuck,” I protested, laughing helplessly, but he only gave my sore ass a slap and lifted me up into the passenger seat again.

We drove into town, my stomach clenching with a mixture of excitement and fear as I saw the familiar landmarks. There wasn’t much to what was generously called “the town” of Badger Creek, trailers and small cabins and a tiny country church spread out on narrow dirt roads around a main square with a tiny gas station and grocery/feed store.

I went into the grocery store while Torin filled up the truck.

“Laoise Reilly!” I heard a voice exclaim, and I turned around to see Dennis Godfrey heading toward me, a big, happy smile on his face. He looked pretty much the same as he always had, a crooked smile, wide body looking a bit softer now, but still thick blonde hair.
