Page 115 of Deke Me

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“Okay,” she agrees and follows me out to the balcony.

Above us, the sky waits, expectant. We lean against the railing, shoulder to shoulder, our breaths visible in the night air. His hand finds its way to my back, casual yet possessive, sending ripples of awareness down my spine.

“Ten.” The chorus from inside starts the countdown, echoing into the night.

“Nine.” We join in, our voices mingling with the crowd.

“Eight.” Her gaze drops to my lips and lingers.

“Seven.” Electricity crackles between us as the year fades along with our resistance. As the clock ticks closer, I’m not just counting down the seconds. I’m counting blessings, chances, and moments—all the things I once took for granted.

Never again.

“Six.” She turns fully toward me as if drawn by a force stronger than gravity.

“Five.” My free hand cradles her cheek as my thumb strokes her gently.

“Four.” She swallows hard, eyes focused on me.

“Three.” Our breaths mix as we close the distance.

“Two.” She rises onto her tiptoes.

“One.” My lips meet hers, and the world explodes.

Fireworks erupt, painting the city landscape in a cascade of colors. But their brilliance pales next to what ignites within me. Our kiss is tender, full of questions and answers all at once. I may be the king when it comes to dekes and faints, but she’s the goddamn queen of the game.

And as we face the future, regardless of where our future careers take us, I know this much is true:

Together, we’re unstoppable, and I’m never letting her go.

* * *
