Page 31 of Deke Me

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“Look, I need this,” I confess, leaning closer. “You know I do.”

“Blake…” There’s a hesitation in her voice. If I could capitalize on that, I think she’d cave. “Fake or not, I don’t have time to date anyone, even if I wanted to.”

“We don’t have to hang out all the time.”

“You don’t get it. My spare time is spent studying, working at the bookstore, volunteering at the soup kitchen, or waiting tables. When I say I don’t have time, it’s not an excuse. I literally don’t have time.”

She volunteers, too?My fake girlfriend is a damn saint.

“What if I pay you enough to quit your restaurant job?”

A flicker of something, a hint of consideration, perhaps, crosses her face. She seems to weigh the idea but quickly shakes her head. “That’s absurd. No amount of money could convince me to be your girlfriend.” Her voice is tinged with amusement and disbelief as if the thought is too preposterous to entertain for a moment longer.

“Humor me. What would you make in a month at the diner?”

“With tips, I usually make a little over seven hundred.”

“I’ll double the amount by eight months.”

“That’s over ten thousand dollars. That’s ludicrous.”

I don’t balk at the amount. It’s pocket change to what’s in my trust fund. “You’re worth it.”

“I don’t know…” Her uncertainty rushes back. “This could get messy.”

“Only if we let it,” I counter, close enough now to catch the scent of mint on her breath. “Tell me this. Besides rent and essentials, why work so hard?”

She licks her lips and shifts in her seat. She’s obviously not wanting to tell me. After a beat, she let out a resounding sigh. “I supplement my grandma’s rent. Living in Boston is expensive, and her rent increases yearly. The extra hours help bridge the gap and offset the cost of medicine where Medicare falls short. Plus, my airfare. I was saving to go home for Christmas.”

My expression slackens as I take in the most selfless, caring person I’ve ever met. Part of me wants to transfer money into her account right now. I have her Venmo information. It’d be as easy as punching in the amount and pressing send. I wouldn’t even miss it. But I know she’s too proud or stubborn for that. She wants to earn it, and for that, she deserves my utmost respect. I’m not sure I’ve ever met someone quite like her.

I soften my voice. “This arrangement not only helps you, but it helps me as well. I really need this.”

“Blake, I?—”

“Please, Amanda.” It’s not begging, it’s strategy. Yeah, that’s it.

Her gaze locks with mine, and for a second, I worry I’ve stepped too far. But then?—

“Fine,” she exhales, and it’s like scoring the game-winning goal.

Pure elation zips through me.

“Really?” I can’t keep the hope out of my voice. This girl has me doing fucking backflips inside. I’ve lost my ever-loving mind.

“Really. But we need to set rules. Clear boundaries.”

“Of course,” I agree quickly, before she changes her mind.

“Okay then,” she says, body shifting closer. “The obvious one: no funny business.”

“Right.” I nod, feeling the adrenaline settle, replaced by something else. Something like anticipation—or is it dread? This is just an arrangement. Another business deal made by a Morton. “But kissing may be involved in selling the story.”

Her gaze dips to my lips, igniting a spark in my pants. Why did I say that? Now I’m thinking about not only kissing my fake girlfriend but doing other things as well.

“We’ll play that one by ear. But no sex with other women. I don’t want to be embarrassed.” Her eyes narrow. “Can you keep it in your pants that long, Big Guy?”

“Big Guy is right, but yes. That won’t be a problem.”
