Page 22 of Veil of Fate

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I frown and cross my arms. It can’t be a coincidence that my one lead on where my brother might be has now been beaten to a pulp.Did The Beast do this?

Shoes hit pavement out in the tunnel, and a moment later, The Prince appears, a bottle tucked in his palm. His chest heaves as a sheen of sweat glimmers across it.

I force myself to stare at the floor. Anywhere else. Everywhere else.

“I got it,” he says, slamming his door shut and striding to the bed. He helps lift Talis, then props his friend’s mouth open and forces the potion down. “Drink, Tails,” The Prince whispers.

Talis manages a swallow, then another, and after three swigs, he takes the bottle from The Prince’s grasp and downs its contents. His eyes are swollen shut, but he manages a grim smile. “Death almost got its wish to claim me. Unlucky for it, I have two people foolish enough to be my family.”

The Prince and Princess both laugh at that, although it’s half-hearted. They exchange a look, their eyes darting to me, then The Princess leans down to Talis’s ear and whispers something.

He straightens. “Zora, you helped save me? After that colorful little speech of yours?”

The Prince cocks a brow out of curiosity, and I’m surprised that Talis didn’t blab to either of them about how rude I’d been.

I clear my throat. “I need you alive.”

A buzz of tension fills the air at my words, both Bosses looking immediately defensive.

“For what?” The Prince snaps, a snarl darkening his features. He lies an arm around Talis’s shoulders, so protective of the man that I realize I made a mistake. Talis is more than a crony to these Bosses. He may be exactly what he admitted to them:family.

I rake my memory, trying to recall if the famous court-rejected Storyteller had siblings.

“Start talking.” The Princess steps toward me, a threat to her voice.

My muscles clench, and I lift my chin. “I’ve been made aware that Talis has information I need. I’d like to question him.”Then kill him if he was involved, I mentally add.

“He’s in no state for questions,” she answers. “In fact, you should go.”

I cross my arms. “Yeah, that’s not happening. He’s my only lead, and seeing as someone clearly wants him dead, I’m not letting him leave my sight.”

“You’re leaving,” she says, her words so final they ring throughout the room.

I roll my shoulders back. “You’ll have to make me.”

The Princess barks out a laugh. She closes the distance between us, her height forcing me to look up at her. Her eyes trail down my dress, and she plucks its fabric between her fingers with a snarl. “Fine,” she agrees, and she wraps her free hand around my throat.

I choke in surprise, my attention having been on my dress — just how she wanted. I grapple at her hold, then try to reach under my skirt for a blade, but she squeezes too tight.

“That’senough,”The Prince growls in warning. He shoots to my side and locks his gaze with his sister. “Take your fucking hand off her.”

The Princess grits her teeth and moves her other hand up, gripping me so hard, I start to see dots.

I blink and blink, gasp for air, claw at her hands.

She grins devilishly at me, but the moment her smile appears it’s quickly wiped away as her brother slams down on her elbows, requiring her to release me as she hisses in fury.

I collapse to my knees, sucking in large gulps of air.

The Prince grabs hold of his sister’s hair and yanks her head back, forcing her to meet his gaze. “You willnevertouch her in that wayeveragain. I do not care that you’re my blood. I will rip your heart from your chest before I will allow you to hurt her. Do you understand?”

His sister’s lips part in shock before her eyes flash behind her mask with hurt. “You would put Talis’s life on the line?”

The Prince lets go of her hair and takes a step back. He presses his lips together, his eyes pleading as he looks at his sister.

They silently communicate before he turns to me.

I remain on the floor, still too lightheaded to get on my feet and angry at myself for letting The Princess get such an advantage.
