Page 12 of Cardinal Whispers

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I grimace. “Serpent Syndicate. Local gang that terrorized the area when I was a kid. They were driven off by some of the older folks, but they’ve started showing back up.”

Sienna nods, absorbing my explanation. Her curiosity is evident, and I can't help but wonder what she thinks. The town's history is tangled, and I’ve only scratched the surface with my explanation.

We head for my next errand, and I try not to think too hard about how Sienna’s body feels clinging to mine. She’s the enemy here and I have no desire to get involved.

Just because she’s cute and kind of sexy in a buttoned-up way doesn’t mean anything. I’m only having her stay with me so I can keep an eye on her and make sure she can’t get her work done.

Besides, she’s probably already sleeping with the good doctor anyway.

We pick up a few more items around town before heading back to Morgan’s Auto.

“Well, it’s been real, it’s been fun, but it ain’t been real fun,” I tell her. “Lucky for you, I’ve got to go snake hunting tonight so I can’t stick around.”

Sienna rolls her eyes. “Good. Maybe I can actually get some work done.”

“Uh-uh,” I shake my finger at her. “You aren’t getting off so easily. Caleb will be taking over for me, spending all his time with you tonight.”

“I can’t believe this!” Sienna says, throwing her hands in the air. “You and your brothers think you can just harass me into leaving but I know you’ll get tired of it eventually. I’ll just have to outlast you.”

“Even if we don’t stick to you twenty-four-seven, it doesn’t mean that the town is going to welcome your presence with open arms,” I remind her. “You made your bed; lie in it.”

Sienna glowers but I grin and wave, just as Caleb strolls into the shop.

“Have fun with her,” I tell Caleb. “She’s getting restless.”

“I’ll see how far I can push her,” Caleb promises. “She’ll be fun to break.”

“Be a good little princess for Caleb,” I tell her and take off on my bike.



Istart seeing the cracks in the princess’s armor after a couple more days of our campaign. Currently, I’m the one on babysitting duty, and I’ve been keeping an eye on her while she attempts to persuade some of the local children to take part in her study by offering them candy.

“Don’t fall for it,” I tell the boys who crowd around to check out her goods. “She’s off-limits. The candy is a bribe.”

She ignores me and gives them a big smile, like some kind of storybook princess. “You guys just have to answer a couple quick questions about yourselves and you can have this goody bag full of candy,” she says, shaking it in front of them. The bag has an assortment of fun-size candy bars as well as some fruit chews and some chocolates.

As I watch her try to sway them, unease grows. What are her intentions here? Is she merely trying to get them to help her or is this a ploy to exploit them?

“Stop treating my town like your personal pet project,” I spit out. Sienna’s eyes meet mine and she narrows them.

“Your townismy project,” she says, irritation rolling off of her in waves. “I have an actual, real job to do here, one that I could get fired from if I don’t do it.”

“Sure, Princess,” I say, idly tapping my pocketknife against the wooden picnic bench, the metallic clicking noise echoing with every tap. “But I don’t give a rat’s ass about your job. I care about this town and protecting it from people like you and the good doctor over at his shiny university.”

“What do you have against Dr. Thornton anyway?” Sienna asks, turning to face me. She tucks a lock of red curls behind her ear and tilts her head.

The mention of Dr. Thornton strikes a nerve. My jaw tightens and I silently curse him for getting involved again.

“It’s between us and him,” I tell her. “Nothing to worry your pretty little head about.”

“I feel like I have a right to know since you made this personal for me too,” she says. Her face twists and she bites her lower lip. “If you tell me, maybe I can figure out a way we can both get what we want.”

I smile. “Nice try, Princess. It’s none of your business and you’ve almost run out of time to solicit today,” I add, pointing to the sun which is sinking over the horizon. “If you’d just run along, I can do the stuff I need to take care of now.”

“What could youpossiblyhave to do that’s so important?” she asks, rolling her eyes.
