Page 15 of Cardinal Whispers

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Their words echo around inside my head. Become theirs. Their slave, their mistress.

Glancing over at Caleb, I see something hinting towards longing written on his face.

I’d be lying to myself if I didn’t say I found them attractive, but it’s one thing to drool over some good-looking guys, it’s another to surrender myself completely to them.

“Are you crazy?” I say, finally finding my voice. “That’s what you want? Sexual favors?”

“Not just sexual favors,” Dominic says, biting his lip as he tilts his head to study me. “You’d be ours, completely.” His gaze burns and I shift, reflexively wrapping my arms around myself.

“Can you step back please?” I ask Bastian. “I can’t think when you’re so close.”

“Am I making you nervous?” he asks, the dark grin sending chills down my spine. The dim lights of the garage cast long shadows, partially obscuring his face as he steps even closer.

He reaches out and brushes my cheek with a thumb, an instant buzz of electricity crackling over my skin. “How about a taste of what we can offer?”

Before I can protest, he’s leaning in and capturing my mouth with his, sending a million volts racing through me. I feel drugged, my mind almost completely wiped as our mouths fuse together.

A noise escapes me as his tongue probes the seam of my lips, and before I can take a moment to think about what I’m doing, I’m granting him access and his tongue fills my mouth.

His hands wrap around my arms as we kiss, my toes curling inside my Mary-Janes. Heat coils inside of me and I feel like my skin is on fire.

Breaking away, he smirks as he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. His blue eyes are dark like a stormy oceanas they take me in. My mind races, the lingering taste of him a heavy reminder of what this decision could mean.

Am I strong enough to resist temptation like this at my fingertips?

“That was just a taste of what we can give you,” Bastian intones. “There’s three of us and one of you. Imagine the possibilities.”

My mind nearly short-circuits as it rushes to fill in the blanks with a million ideas. “How … I mean, what … I mean … you’re okay with sharing?”

“We share everything,” Bastian explains. “The three of us are a team, always have been.”

My brain still feels fuzzy from the kiss we shared and I reach up to touch my lips, the sensation still lingering. “Why me?” I ask, suddenly feeling shy. “I’m … big.”

Men don’t usually look at me this way. I’m the friend that men shove their other friends at, so they can get with the slim, pretty girls.

“You’re still sexy,” Caleb insists, making me blush from head to toe. “Size doesn’t matter to us.”

Emotions are warring inside me and I feel torn. On the one hand, the boys have proven they’re fiercely loyal to whatever they consider “theirs,” so they would keep their word about helping me.

On the other, they’re complete brats, doing whatever they want, whenever they want. Saying yes would guarantee that I’m all but walking into the mouth of the dragon on this.

I bite my lip, trying to think. It’s hard when they’re so close, their presence clouding my judgment.

Taking a deep breath, I ask, “Can I get back to you?”

Bastian’s expression remains hard, but he steps back slightly. “Of course, Princess. You can have twelve hours to think over our little proposition. But time is ticking, sweetheart. If youdon’t give us an answer soon, you’ll find that we can make your life even harder than we have been.”

His fingers reach out once more, trailing along my jaw as he leaves. The three of them walk away and I immediately feel a weight lift from my chest, finally able to breathe.

Never in my wildest dreams did I expect them to come out with an offer like that? My mind is still spinning over it.

Could I really do it? Could I really surrender myself to them, all for the sake of a job?

I take my time heading back to my car, trying to calm myself down after that encounter. My skin is still buzzing, lips still tingling from the kiss.

Once I’m back at my motel room, I open my laptop and try to work on an article I’m writing for theJournal of Urban Studies,but my mind keeps circling back to the kiss and to their offer.

As brain-melting as the kiss was, it’s definitely not worth throwing myself into the snake pit over. Not even their offer of helping me with my work could sway me away from my goals here.
