Page 21 of Ludmila

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This pushed me over the edge. I grabbed her by the waist and brought her body close to mine.

“You are married to a piece of shit, Ludmila! Don’t used that as an excuse because you hate his guts as much as I do.”

“It doesn’t matter. Alexei is not a man to be crossed.”

“He. Means. Nothing. Why did you come to me, huh? If you’re married, and I told you to stay inside if you don’t want anything to do with me? Why are you here, Ludmila?”

She did something that took me by surprise – chained her arms around my neck and pulled me into a hungry, possessive kiss. We devoured each other without any inhibitions.

“Here’s your answer, Enzo Nucci. This is why I came. Because you make me feel like a whole woman again. You make me feel like I could…” She stopped to suck in a breath, “You have power over me. People here in America, they look at me and say ‘Oh, she’s Russian. Russian women are strong and rough’ and sometimes I look at myself in the mirror and see the face of a woman that looks determined and unafraid, but I’m none of those things. I spent all my adult life hiding from danger, and you came in and destroyed that in two weeks.”

“I look at you, and I only see one thing, Ludmila.”

“An easy woman that lets men jump her in wardrobe rooms?” She smiled.

“A motherfucking queen, baby.” I kissed her again. “I need you again, doll. Remembering the way it feels to be in your body is not enough.”

“Take me then.” She pulled me back until she had her back to the wall of the building and started to kiss my neck.

“Not like this, baby doll. Come home with me, let me give you a night of pleasure.”

“I can’t. I have to be here when Alexei comes back.”

Fucking hell.

“Let me take you upstairs?”


“This is one of my family’s bars, doll. There are bedrooms upstairs.”

“Why would a bar need bedrooms?”

I licked my lips and smiled. It looked like I had to spell it out for her.

“For fucking, baby doll, so men like me can go there and fuck needy little women like you.”

She came closer, and when she spoke I felt her heated breath on my skin.

“I know, I just wanted to hear you say it.”

“You have a thing for dirty talk, my Russian Queen.”

“Just with you. If…If I come with you…what if anyone notices. Enzo, that would be bad.”

“Go back to your table, tell my aunt Catherinelle you’re dizzy and need to lie down. I’ll come and find you.”

And she did just what I told her to do.

Chapter 8

Catherinelle Mustafa was nice enough to walk me upstairs to one of the private rooms, unlock the door, and give me the key. It wasn’t what I expected for the place to be. The levels above the bar were elegant and luxurious, and the bedroom I was in was decorated in red and black, with a huge bed covered by lush velvet covers.

“Wow,” I said without thinking.

“I know, Roman went over the top decorating this place. Sometimes it functions like a hotel. Hey, do you want me to stay with you or you want me to call someone to take you home?”

“No, Alexei told me to wait for him here.”
