Page 12 of Jesse's Girl

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While walking into the coffee shop, a few guys turned their heads to grab a second look at Corey.

“I think those guys are checking you out,” Corey kidded.

Jesse felt a sense of pride that other guys found her appealing, and yet here she was with him. He’d never felt that sense of power before and he had to admit, he enjoyed it.

The coffee shop closed at eleven, and before Jesse knew it the brown-aproned employees were ushering people out the doors. He never felt the need to look at his watch. She made him feel full of energy, full of life. She had the perfect mix of sincerity and light-heartedness. He knew he felt good talking to her, being with her, but it still broke through every once in a while—she had just been with a guy for money.

He was no longer sure of what to think. He couldn’t date a girl who does what she does. Could he? He could be friends with her, secretly share the taboo world they both took part in. But he felt so intoxicated while with her. He felt the pull, both physically and emotionally, for so much more.

Jesse stopped his car outside Corey’s apartment. She turned and faced him before opening the door.

“Thank you so much,” she said.

“For what?”

“For just being nice.”

“Oh, well, why wouldn’t I be?”

She smiled at him again, then said, “Do you still want me to save a seat for you in chem tomorrow?”

“Yeah, sure.”

“Okay,” she leaned forward and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “See you in class.”

She stepped out of the car, shut the door and waved before turning and walking up the walkway.

Jesse waved and watched her ascend the stairs and disappear into the apartment. He could still feel the wetness from the spot where she kissed him on the cheek. He took a deep breath, then said, “See you in class.”
