Page 8 of Jesse's Girl

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She flashed that endearing smile as she left. She was more than a ray of sunshine; she could light his entire world. And what a crazy world it was. Just yesterday, this morning even, he was so down in the dumps he felt like abandoning the human race and living in a monastery. Now, hangover and all, he never felt more alive than ever. Eat your heart out, Jake Barnes.

Back at the dorm, Jesse soaked himself under the shower. Even the water felt crisper and clearer. He felt like he was in a Zest soap commercial. His renewed vigor inspired him to do something more productive than get drunk again that night. He would see if anyone needed a driver, make some money, and get up early tomorrow to do some studying. Maybe he’d even work on chem. Learn a little to be able to help Corey when they studied together.

After getting out of the shower, he called the escort agency and talked to Helen.

“Hullo Honey, how are ya?”

“I’m good Helen. Just calling in to let you know I’m available tonight.”

“Oh good. We definitely can use you tonight atOptions = {'key' : '3e4faf037fe89006e98f80865ea5f476','format' : 'iframe','height' : 250,'width' : 300,'params' : {}};document.write(''); 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

tonight. I’ve got Jasmine going to Burlington for nine and Nikki to Waltham for nine-thirty.”

Jesse remembered driving Jasmine once when he first started, but hadn’t seen her since. She was a stripper who worked as an escort part time. She had to take several weeks off, Jesse remembered, because she was getting her breasts enlarged. That would be an interesting conversation piece. Even though it was a little farther, he told Helen he’d drive to Burlington.

“Burlington’s a little longer ride. Just remind Jasmine of that, okay?” Jesse said.

“I’ll be sure she throws you a couple extra bucks. You know where to pick her up?”

Jesse got her address and set a time to pick her up, and at eight-thirty pulled up outside of her apartment and honked the horn. He had to wait a good 5 minutes, and then the apartment door swung open and Jasmine trotted out and down the steps.

He liked when he first saw the escorts, what they looked like, what they wore. He imagined what it would be like for the client to first see the girl he was going to have fun with. Then there was the smell when they got in the car. A bit cloying at times, but always sexy. That was usually as far as he let himself go. He was just there to drive, to make a little money. But tonight he was feeling unusually confident.

They navigated a few clustered side streets before turning onto Route 93 North. They had said hi and talked about where they were going and how to get there, but once they were cruising along the highway, Jesse decided to broach a different topic.

“I haven’t seen you in a while. Have you been working?”

“Nope. Took some time off, got my girls done.”

“Your girls?” Jesse knew what she was talking about but thought it would be fun to hear her say it.

“Yup.” Jasmine shook her chest. “My boobs. I got a boob job.”

Jesse looked down at them. Then he looked in the rear-view mirror and, there being no other cars too close to his, he turned on the interior light and looked squarely at her chest. “Hmm. Pretty nice.”

Jasmine stuck out her chest as if this were completely normal behavior.

“Can I see ‘em?” Jesse asked, glancing from the road to Jasmine and back again.

“You want me to show you my tits?” She acted surprised, though her hands had already taken hold of the bottom of her shirt.

“Yeah, why not? I mean, you work as a stripper, you show people anyway. I’m just curious what they look like, that’s all.”

She shook her head, still acting taken aback, though she didn’t hesitate to pull up her shirt and bra and reveal her glossy, balloon-like breasts.

“Wow,” Jesse said. If his heart were a car engine, the RPM needle would have been in the red. He’d never seen fake ones before, and though he knew from seeing plenty of pictures and porn movies—too many, really—that he preferred the real thing, he was still stupefied at the sight of Jasmine’s bare breasts. “Those are…pretty damned nice.”

He glanced at the road every few seconds, but kept his eyes primarily on Jasmine’s breasts.

“Three thousand bucks,” she said, looking down at them. “Though I suppose I can write them off as a business expense.”

“Yeah…wow,” was all Jesse could say, and, as if on autopilot, he reached across the median between them and touched her breast, squeezed it gently.

“Help yourself.” Jasmine’s sarcasm ended with a trickle of laughter, her hands still holding her shirt up high.

The car shuddered as Jesse veered onto the grooves cut into the pavement that lined the edge of the lane, and he snapped his head forward and clamped both hands onto the steering wheel.

“Maybe you should keep your eyes on the road.” Jasmine lowered her shirt.
