Page 10 of Slap and Swallow

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“Oh, I uhh…” I had no idea what to say. “S-sure, I’ll take it black with one teaspoon of sugar.”

Marissa smiled and beamed out of my way to make me a cup. Everyone else just smiled, shook my hand and walked me to the conference room. It was so surreal and yet I had to wonder how they all knew I was working for Dick and Victor. How did they know what position I was hired for?

As a matter of fact, I didn’t even know what kind of company this was! All this time I accepted the offer, signed the contract, fucked my bosses and wore their former employee’s clothing but I still didn’t know what kind of business this company dealt in. Was it a stock company or an insurance company or a media company? I absolutely had no idea. What if this was some kind of porn industry thing?

Well, Dick did promise it wasn’t pornography although having sex with him and Victor kind of spoiled me to the point where it didn’t matter if this job involved sex or not.

This was it. I was in front of the door for Conference Room A. “Just go in and fucking do whatever,” I told myself.

I took a deep breath and opened the door.

I was immediately greeted by a room of over 20 people seated at a long conference table. Victor was at one end and Dick was at the other. They were both listening to a young man giving a presentation using a projector.

“Ah, here she is now,” Dick suddenly said to break the silence. He stood and up walked over to me until he stood behind me. He placed his hands on my shoulders and explained to the group, “This is Selena Marie Ohlsson, a model from New York. She’s my new executive assistant and will also be working hand-in-hand with Mr. Victor Gordon over there.”

The whole group applauded and Dick then escorted me to a seat right beside his. With a simple hand cue, the young man in front continued on with his presentation. I took a moment to listen and discovered he was proposing a new line of female clothing.

I then leaned over to Dick and whispered, “I never got to ask but what kind of company do you guys run?”

“Women’s apparel,” he answered. He then took a quick glance at me, smiled and then said, “Nice outfit, by the way. Alena never looked this good.”

I blushed and giggled. “Fuck you. What’s this whole thing going on here?”

Dick pointed at the guy giving the presentation. “Mr. Johnston here is one of our lead designers and he’s trying to convince us on this new dress he drew up. To be honest, it looks good to me but I’m a guy, I could be wrong.”

I frowned and realized what was wrong, “How did you and Victor start this kind of business? I’d think two guys like you would do a porn thing or maybe a law office or a manly business.”

For a few seconds, Dick seemed a little melancholic. There was a sudden sadness that blotted the usual liveliness in his eyes. “I’ll explain all that later. What do you think of the design Johnston’s proposing though?”

I looked at it for one second and shook my head. “Not going to work.”

“Tell him,” Dick said and he raised his hand. Immediately the presentation was stopped.

“Y-yes sir?” Johnston mumbled.

“Ms. Ohlsson here disagrees with your design,” Dick explained. “Let’s hear her explain why.”

Oh fuck me. I never finished college. I ended up giving one of my professors a blowjob just to let him give me a passing mark so I could stay in school for one more semester and didn’t have to go back to waiting tables. I even struggled through high school. All I was good at was modeling… but then again, for this kind of work, I think I could use that background to my advantage.

Well, it was too late to back out now. I didn’t stand from my seat and tried to look as badass as possible and simply used my finger to point at the images on the presentation.

“This can only work if you’re assuming women don’t like comfort,” I explained out loud. “You’re trying to sell us on a summer dress but it doesn’t look comfortable at all and it doesn’t look like a summer dress. When women think of summer we think of the beach and of the sun on our skin. Remove the short sleeves. A sleeveless summer dress is more comfortable and it works well with a wide brim hat. You want bright orange but no one wears bright orange. That’s an autumn color anyway so lose it. Go with white since it bounces the heat off. If you want the orange then toss in some leaf designs but make sure to add variety, like different shades of orange, brown and red. However, let the plain white still shine.”

“I like that,” Victor complimented my statements. “I think we have been approaching this all wrong. Ms. Ohlsson’s changes might make this line of apparel more appealing for our target demographic.”

Mr. Johnston looked at me and then at his presentation. He thought about it long and hard while the others in the conference mumbled and discussed what we both had to say.

“You know what, I think you’re right Ms. Ohlsson,” he finally said. “Could you write that all up and send it to me by tomorrow so we can implement the changes?”

I gave him a smile and a nod. It was at that point I finally felt some pride and a sense of accomplishment. For the first time in my life I spoke out and I was right. I actually influenced the decisions of a major company – and it was a women’s clothing company too!

“Would it be appropriate to ask Ms. Ohlsson to model for the dress as well?” one of the other conference members asked, an elderly woman about twice my age. She, for a person her age, was very well dressed and looked both sharp and witty.

Dick and Victor both looked at me as if it was in my hands to make the decision.

“Oh I, uh… I’m n-not…” I stuttered out of nervousness. I had to bite that out of me. “Sure, I can model it as well.”

The whole room once again applauded but this time it wasn’t just because I was being introduced. They applauded because I mattered.
