Page 14 of Slap and Swallow

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As soon as the lights came on I realized the gallery was more like a giant museum in a house than just a simple square room with paintings. Looking in, I saw paintings bigger than the walls in my hotel room, large marble busts, and statues. There were numerous antiques on display behind glass cases such as ancient swords, jars and more.

“Where did you guys get all of this?” I asked.

Dick shrugged it like it was nothing, “We just collected this over the years. It just started to pile up.”

“Richard loves collecting old things and I prefer paintings,” Victor explained further. “We just put our collections together into this one gallery.”

This was just amazing. “I’ll want to go through all of this stuff later. Let’s go explore the other rooms!”

“She’s so cute when she’s excited,” Dick said as he gave me a sudden hug.

For that one moment, I felt so safe and warm when he embraced me. For the first time in a long while, I felt like someone actually cared for me. Sure, they wanted to have sex with me all the time but that just made me feel even more beautiful and hot.

“Well, where do you want to start? There’s the east wing and the west wing. We can venture into the upper floor later,” Dick suggested.

“Let’s go from left to right,” I answered. “Show me everything.”

The men agreed and they closed the gallery door. We headed down the west wing hall. The hall itself was filled with paintings, a few large porcelain jars and other exquisite – and expensive – décor. Down the end of the hall were five doors.

“Two of these rooms are bedrooms for maids and other service staff members,” Victor explained. “We don’t have maids so these rooms are somewhat wasted. The other two rooms here are storage rooms and a closet for cleaning equipment. The door in the center here leads to a small, separate kitchen and dining area.”

“Maybe we should get a few maids,” I suggested but when I thought about it more I couldn’t help but giggle. “Then again, they might get envious when they see you two sliding your cocks into my wet, anxious pussy.”

Just mentioning the word “pussy” got both men giddy. I could see the lust in their eyes, burning with each moment they looked at me.

Yes… I want you to want me.

“O-oh,” Victor stuttered. I found it so cute how a simple word could throw them off guard. “Well, we only want your pussy so if they get envious they’ll have to settle for someone else.”

I giggled and turned back to the doors. I opened one to my left and took a look at the bedrooms. What I found was a room that looked far more elegant than my own hotel room. This was quite shocking – I was expecting something more like a plain bedroom with a double-deck bed but what I found was a soft, queen-sized featherbed with expensive duvets and even a small vanity mirror and table.

“Damn,” I exclaimed. I wondered what the kitchen and dining room would look like.

Before I could open the door for the maids’ kitchen, however, they took me by the arm and we made our way to the right wing. The hallway looked almost exactly like the west wing and at the very end, there were also five doors.

“What’s down here?” I asked.

Dick opened one of the rooms and revealed it to be one big entertainment room. There were two televisions and both of them were at least seventy-inches big and were those curved, Ultra HD type of televisions. One was hooked to a very expensive-looking home theater system and the other had gaming consoles and a laptop connected to it. There was a large pool table, another for table tennis and there were a lot of reclining gaming chairs and stools. It looked like a really big gaming lounge, something I’d expect in a big house for rich men.

Victor then opened the other rooms and revealed two of them to be big guest rooms with a queen-sized waterbed and another room to be a private studio filled with large studio lights, cameras and more. That last room looked like the type of room they’d use to film their private porn videos with girls like Alena.

I wondered when I would be doing something like that with them. It was only a matter of time.

“Where does the fifth door lead to?” I asked. “What about upstairs?”

Dick smiled, “Outside that door is our basketball court and swimming pool. Upstairs you’ll just find the main bedrooms, a library, and a few office rooms. You’ll have an office all to yourself. As for your bedroom, we’re going to give you the room between mine and Victor’s. Of course, expect that you won’t actually be sleeping in there.”

I looked at him and with a big smile, I said, “You guys do know you’re spoiling the shit out of me, right? I mean, what if I were some cheap cheat who’d leave you the moment I got what I wanted?”

“We had girls like that,” Dick answered. “Alena wasn’t our first girlfriend. We… had a wife, before. I was the one legally married to her and Victor was kind of like her spiritual second husband. We had a lot of good days but then she just up and left, taking a big portion of our savings back then.”

My jaw dropped and I looked at them with surprise. “Wait, are you serious?” I took a step back.

Victor nodded and looked at me with sad eyes and an even sadder expression curving on his lips. “We loved her. We truly did. She divorced us and ran off with some prince from Turkey. We’ve tried to fill the void but even a girl like Alena disappointed us. She left us too.”

“I’d understand it if she left us for love or lust or if we were too rough on her,” Dick lamented. “But we loved her. We loved them all. In the end, they left us just for money. We already gave everything and they still found someone who could give them more. So if you do the same… I guess it would just be fate.”

I shook my head and refused to be that kind of girl. “No.”
