Page 15 of Slap and Swallow

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“What do you mean?” Victor asked.

I bit down on my lip and closed my eyes. I was making a life-changing decision and if I were to speak now I knew I had to stick to my word.

With a deep breath, I then looked at them and said, “I won’t be like them. You saved me when I was depressed from a bad relationship. You gave me a job I could never aspire to have and you made me feel loved and desired. I’ve never had sex the way I’ve had it with you guys. I’ve decided… I’ll stay here with you.”

There was no turning back. They knew it and I knew it too. To be completely honest, however, locking myself in with them was the closest I’ve ever had to being really free.

Chapter Eight

For the following weeks, I slowly got more used to my life with Richard and Victor as well as with my new job. I thought I’d get more exhausted, knowing the two men would want to have sex with me every night they can, but we hardly ever spent time together in the house. In three weeks we’ve only ever had sex together just twice.

I blamed our schedules the most. Richard had to leave for a big business summit in Canada and Victor was usually away on small trips with stock investors and the like. They were only really in town for a day or two each week.

The good thing was that whenever they were around they gave all of their attention to me. Matt never did that and neither did any of my past boyfriends. Most of the time I felt like I was the one sacrificing everything just to get their attention – maybe that was why I grew up so willingly to spread my legs for any guy who would fuck me. At least then I’d get some attention. With Dick and Victor, I didn’t have to struggle. They were always excited to see me.

With them usually gone I had more time to focus on my job. I got to work a lot with Mr. Johnston. I later found out his first name was Raymond but I got a little too used to calling him Johnston so I stuck with it. He just tended to call me Ms. Ohlsson anyway and the only time he ever referred to me by my first name was because we were joking around and I asked to see if he could recall what my full name was.

It was during one of these lazy days at work, stuck in the office with Johnston and our other collaborator, a fashion designer from France named Sabine when a bright idea suddenly popped into my head.

“Hey,” I told them excitedly while we were seated at the desks eating cupped noodles. “I got an idea on how to reveal these new designs.”

“Huh?” Sabine muttered in confusion. “We’re not going to do a fashion show?”

A fashion show with ramp models was the traditional way to go. I figured they expected us to do the same thing. I didn’t want to do something like that. “I got a better idea. I thought of a way that would showcase these clothes as something any woman would wear, whether they’re rich or poor and no matter their racial background.”

Johnston seemed to catch on and pressed for more details, “What do you have in mind?”

“Let’s avoid the ramp modeling fashion show,” I explained first. “Only the well-to-do ever get to go to those shows anyway. However, these clothes we’re designing, these summer clothes, they’re meant for the everyday person so let’s focus our marketing strategy on our target demographic.”

I felt especially smart for using words like “demographic” in a sentence like that. It helped hide the fact that I never got to finish college. It also reminded me that Dick and Victor didn’t just hire me for being their office pussy and household slut but also because I did contribute something for the company.

“How do you want to do that? I mean, we could always just do commercials and hire women who aren’t necessarily models,” Johnston suggested.

“You got some of the idea right,” I told him. “I was thinking of launching a viral marketing campaign, something we can do on social media and through the company website. We can have women from all over the country submit videos where they explain why they are the best representations of the ‘everyday woman.’ We then pick a dozen of those women and send them some of the clothes and have them make another video but this time wearing our products. We can then use those videos to market the new line.”

“That’s a lot of work,” Sabine pointed out. “However, if it pulls off then our consumers will practically be marketing the new line of clothes for us. I like it, it’s smart and also connects with the consumer base.”

Johnston nodded in agreement, “It will also prove that we don’t just make clothes for the high and mighty. With those videos, we’ll prove our company makes clothes for mothers, for teenagers, for the rich, for the poor and everyone in between.”

“I’m pretty sure the bosses will like it too,” Sabine added. “Especially since the idea comes from you, Ms. Ohlsson.”

I blushed and placed my cup of noodles to the corner of the table. I then reached for sheets of paper and began writing a draft proposal for my idea. I didn’t know all the technical know-how to get this done but I was sure if I gave it to Dick and Victor they’d help me see it through.


“Are you sure about this?” Victor asked me the next day when he finally got back from a trip.

We were in the penthouse office, once again in the living room. I was seated on one of the sofas and he was across me with the proposal in one hand and a bottle of beer in the other.

“Y-yes daddy,” I told him. “I know we’ve never done something like this but I’m sure we can make it work.”

Victor looked at me with an eyebrow raised, almost as if he was deep in thought. “You do know we’ve had royalty from the UK wear some of our products, right?”

I nodded. That was part of my earliest research. I knew simply knowing it wouldn’t be convincing however so I decided to play with my next words while also squirming in my seat so I could tease him, showing off more of my legs as my skirt moved a little up.

“Yes daddy, I know,” I answered in a softer, sultry voice. “We can use that to our advantage and say that with our clothes any woman can feel like royalty.”

Victor’s eyes drew down to my legs and I knew I had him. It was just a matter of time before he would be thinking with his cock than with his head.
