Page 39 of Bossy Billionaire

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Jenny drew her curly hair up into a messy ponytail as she continued to walk and talk. If Mark had any trouble keeping up, he never said anything.

Jenny was just beginning to think that perhaps what she had seen of him on TV wasn’t real, until she noticed that when she bent down to pick something up, his eyes had gone to her breasts.

She cleared her throat and adjusted her coat. At first Mark looked a little embarrassed, but then his green eyes met her blue ones in a direct stare as one half of his mouth turned into a lazy smirk.

Not so different from his reputation, then, she mused as she straightened her spine and continued forward, pretending the whole incident had never happened.

Jenny tried to ignore the heat of his stare as he made it clear that he was checking her out. It’s not that he wasn’t attractive, she’d have to be blind not to see that, it’s just that there were certain elements in her life that couldn’t risk being affected by his presence.

No matter how charming she remembered him to be.

“I’ll have a beer,” Brad announced as he plopped next to her and began to belch rather loudly. Jenny tried to hide her discomfort as she told herself that she shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, and that she had agreed to go out with Brad to give him a chance. Yet here she was, 5 minutes into the date, and he was already ignoring her. Brad was slightly taller than she was with black hair, brown eyes and an average build. She had seen him around the hospital a few times, and when he asked her out for a drink, she had seen no harm in saying yes.

Brad had arrived late, already slightly tipsy and didn’t even bother to greet her except with a very nonchalant ‘hey babe.’

She loathed when men treated her like that, but she figured she owed it to herself to see this thing through just to make sure she had left no stone unturned.

“So, Brad,” She cleared her throat as she sipped on her glass of wine. “What is it you told me you do?”

Brad swiveled in his chair as he nursed his beer, he meet her gaze and took a sip of his beer. “I’m a repair man.”

Jenny studied him over the rim of her glass. “Aha, and do you enjoy it?”

Brad shrugged as he let his eyes trailed over her body before settling on her face. He leaned in closer. “I like fixings things.”

“Really? That’s very interesting. How did you stumble upon this passion of yours?”

Brad blinked as if he hadn’t quite understood her question before he scratched his head thoughtfully. “I suppose it’s because my dad wasn’t around much when I was younger, so I learned to help my mum around the house.”

Jenny thought that was sweet, and she placed a hand on his arm. “Well, I think it was very sweet of you to want to help around the house, I’m sure your mum appreciated it, and what a handy thing to learn.”

Brad shrugged as he titled his beer back and swallowed it in one gulp. He signaled the waiter for another one. His eyes began to examine the bar as if looking for something. Jenny waited for him to say something in response to her statement, and when the minutes ticked by awkwardly, she was about to open her mouth to say something until he turned to her. “How do you feel about sports?”

“Oh,” Jenny paused as she considered the question. “Well, I’m not really big on sports, but I suppose basketball is an interesting game.”

Brad snorted. “Basketball? That’s for wussies. Football is a real man’s game.”

“Is it now?” Jenny took a huge gulp of her wine and smiled at him pleasantly. “Why is that?”

Brad’s eyes lit up as he began to crush a peanut between his fingers. He popped it into his mouth before chewing thoughtfully. “Men are meant to be aggressive, but with all these rules society places on us, we can no longer be as aggressive as we want, so we find other ‘civil’ outlets, football provides that.”

Jenny thought over what he said. “I suppose that is a valid point, but isn’t it a rather violent sport?”

“Exactly!” Brad slammed his hands on the table enthusiastically. “Best thing about it.”

“Hmm,” she said noncommittally as she gave him a tight smile, already writing him off in her head. She’d just give it five more minutes before she made her way out of here. After all, her mother did raise her to be proper and polite.

A minute later, a bottle head blonde sat in the seat next to her Brad and began to flirt with him. Jenny watched in amusement as Brad completely ignored her and began to turn his attention to the blonde who was lavishing him with exactly the kind of attention he wanted. She was nodding during all the right moments, and touching his arm every chance she got. She could practically see them undressing each other with their eyes.

Jenny rolled her eyes as they leaned towards each other and began whispering. She could practically feel herself gag in the back of her throat, and yet she still felt a twinge of sadness; not over Brad. Of course not.

Rather over the fact that this was her first night out in a really long time, and it hadn’t gone well. She reflected over that for a while and was just about to get up and leave when a voice stopped her.

“Can I buy you a drink?”

She was just about to turn him down not feeling like dealing with another Brad for the evening, but when she turned around to face him, something about the way his green eyes regarded her intently made her change her mind.

“Sure,” she said finally as the man sat next to her. He was even more attractive up close with shaggy blonde hair, an athletic build and piercing green eyes, he was what most women considered eye candy. She couldn’t help but notice a tattoo peek out from underneath the hem of his shirt, and she wondered what it said.
