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Jeffrey rubbed his hands together with glee as she placed the beautifully wrapped gift on the table. “You have excellent taste,” the former quarterback announced, coming to stand behind her. “Open it, Corinne-girl. I can’t wait to see if it fits.”

For a terrifying moment, Corinne pictured a bulky dildo or painful butt plug being plowed into her body. She paled and her knees started to buckle. She’d made a horrible miscalculation. “I think I am going to be sick.” Her eyes locked with Daddy’s for a moment, and Corinne was sure he was going to intervene. Then Jeffrey moved between them and instructed her to open the gift again.

The bow was tricky to remove with trembling fingers, but she eventually managed. The camp was deathly quiet except for the sound of paper ripping. Corinne braced herself before pulling off the top. Tissue paper filled the space and she had to reach inside to find what mystery objects were hidden within. Her fingers came in contact with a strip of leather, and her hand jerked back with alarm.

“I never figured you to be someone to back away from a challenge,” Jeffrey teased her. “It’s not a snake. It won’t bite.”

Deciding he was mocking her, she willed herself to reach back inside. Colorful paper was tossed aside as Corinne worked to expose the leather object. She feared it was a belt and could almost feel the welts Jeffrey would inflect on her ass and thighs. But the length of the strip of leather was remarkably small, and like a belt, had a buckle on one end and notches on the other, but wouldn’t fit around even the smallest waist. Confused, she lifted it out and let the buckle dangle from her hand.

“Do you like the design? It has my name etched in the leather. That’s alligator skin, by the way.” He reached to flip the object over in her hand. “The inside is lined with rabbit fur. I had it tailor made a few years back but have never allowed any woman to claim it. You will be the first, and I dare hope, the only, one to wear it.”

Corinne felt a strange sensation at the intimate way he confided the story of the strap to her, but still was perplexed by its purpose. She gripped the metal fastening with one hand and the hole-lined tip in the other. Stretching it out, she eyed the total length. There was little chance it was long enough to span her waist, yet it was longer than needed for her wrist or ankle.

“May I put it on you?” Jeffrey’s question was unexpectantly gentle. His eyes watched her intently, and the strange need to please him made Corinne nod her head without hesitation.

She decided to let him draw the obvious conclusion about the mistake in size, as he removed the strap of leather from her fingers. He rewarded her acceptance with a sweet kiss on her forehead, and a warm feeling of pride enveloped her. Jeffrey gifted her with a genuine smile, something she rarely witnessed from him. It wasn’t threatening, teasing or mocking. Her heart rate jumped in response.

The thrilling sensation was replaced with panic when he raised the leather thong to her throat and moved her hair aside to fasten it in place. She started to pull away, but his nimble fingers had already completed their task. “It fights perfectly, my dear Corinne. Anyone seeing you wearing it would think it was made just for you. You have never been more beautiful to me than this moment, wearing my collar. My cock is already hard, just seeing you marked as mine and mine alone.”

Conflict raged within Corinne. It felt wrong to have something associated with pets placed around her neck. She was a human being, not an animal to be labeled by an owner. But her physical reaction overruled her initial appall. Feeling the soft, rabbit fur hugging her neck gave her a surreal feeling of calm. Her fight-or-flight response eased, as the tips of her fingers reached up to caress the cool leather framing her throat.

Thoughts of being in an isolated camp no longer worried her. Her body and mind no longer battled against the knowledge that Todd had pushed her away, and Jeffrey was waiting for his turn. The collar on her neck made her feel safe, as if she belonged exactly where she was in this moment and time. Instead of playing more games and trying to outwit Jeffrey, she felt strangely free as if all she had to do was follow his lead and enjoy the path he led her down.

And that warped thinking, she realized later, was how she ended up submitting to an unyielding Dominant who insisted she address him as Master Jeffrey.

Not giving her time to protest that insult, the sly bastard lulled her into a false sense of security by sending her off to her own room to change her clothes. “Wear jeans and a long-sleeve shirt. If you don’t have a hat, I’ll lend you one of mine.”

Corinne half expected him to demand sexual favors from the moment he took control of her. But he surprised her with a private fishing trip, never once attempting to jump her bones or make her do humiliating tasks.

Before they left the dock in a motorboat that had been stored under the camp, he set several rules in place. She was to follow his orders without question. Unless he gave her leave to take it off, her life jacket stayed on while on the water. He asked a few questions to assess her experience with saltwater fishing and chuckled when she admitted it was limited to catching perch or small catfish.

“You’re in for a real treat, Corinne-girl,” Jeffrey said as he lathered her face, neck and hands with sunscreen. Never once did he take any intimate liberties. For some strange reason, she was disappointed. He smiled at her confused expression as he personally checked the fit of her life jacket and adjusted her hat to protect her face from the sun. “I am going to walk you through the thrill of landing a bull-red. Getting one to bite your bait is tricky, but there is nothing like the adventure of reeling it closer. The big ones fight being captured, pulling the line back out as you work to coax it closer. But, if you are patient, and follow my directions carefully, you will have an experience worth bragging about when we get back.”

That last part sounded like he was talking about something other than fishing, but she ignored the implication.

“Do I have to actually touch one?” she asked. He raised a warning eyebrow, and Corinne took a deep gulp of air before rephrasing her question. “Touching a slimy fish freaks me out, Master. Will I be required to do that?”

“When the time comes, if you find it too difficult to try,” he told her, “I will take over. Now settle yourself into a comfortable position. It’s going to take a half hour or more to reach the spot I have in mind.”

Living in this region, Corinne had taken forgotten how breathtaking the swamp and gulf could be when one actually took the time to stop and appreciate them. Cypress trees and thick marsh vegetation lined their path; egrets and pelicans flew above them. Soon they headed into open water, and man-made pipes from different industrial plants dotted the surface.

The waves rocked the boat more in this location. Master Jeffrey came to stand by her side, and helped Corinne feel more secure as she moved around. He was patient as he taught her the art of hooking a redfish and reeling it in. He even took responsibility for the more distasteful aspects of the sport by baiting her line and getting the fish off the hook and into the ice chest.

She was delighted with her first catch. The massive beast had put up an epic fight, and the sound of it tugging against the line of her reel both thrilled and terrified her. She didn’t want to lose the fish and kept reeling even when line was being dragged out. Jeffrey talked her through the first three battles, reminding her to set the hook, keep the tip of the rod up at all times and address him as Master. “Give in to the sensation, my pet. Feel the resistance of your target. Instead of panicking when it fights against you, remind yourself how proud you will be once you master control of it. It’s something powerful, but sensual at the same time.”

Corinne forgot about the collar on her neck, the ridiculous contract she had signed and losing Todd as a wonderful Daddy. She was squealing with delight with every fish she pulled toward the boat as her new Master landed each in a net and congratulated her on a job well done. She jumped up and down, and enjoyed the proud kisses he rewarded her with for each redfish he tossed on their pile.

Jeffrey brought up the most bizzare conversations once she understood the task at hand. She could have sworn he waited until her mind was occupied reeling in a fish to ask embarrassing questions. He also kept his voice flat and void of emotion, almost sounding as if he were negotiating a new business deal.

“Does being tied up intrigue you?”

Too concerned with keeping her pole tip up, Corinne blurted out answers without much thought. “If I were in a safe place, with someone I trusted to recognize if I became overwhelmed, it might be interesting.”

Several other acts were tossed out nonchalantly, most things Corinne had fantasied about but never considered until he mentioned them. Yet they intrigued her enough to get tentative nods of interest. He continued slipping these strange questions in between pulling in catches.

“Are you intrigued by being tied down?”

“I’m not sure. I’d have to try it to decide,” she admitted.
